Think you're smart? Smart enough to work at the country's best corporations. (Oh, you already do?) OK, let's put you to the test. The Puzzler, an occasional column appearing in this space, offers real-world...
In late 2004, Chuck Schwab looked me in the eye and declared that U.S. Trust was not for sale. It had been his idea to buy the trust-services shop, and he would see it through, he said. In my book about Schwab, and in...
Charles Schwab is getting back to basics—well, in as far as you can call investors with $50,000 to $2 million in assets “basics.” With its recently announced plans to sell U.S. Trust to Bank of...
Every quarter, Registered Rep.'s “The Puzzler” offers a real-world puzzle and its solution, plus a contest for readers. The brainteasers are often real questions used by corporations to test the mental...
Registered Rep. presents the third installment of our brainteaser, The Puzzler (thanks, Car Talk). Every other month (or so), The Puzzler offers a real-world puzzle and its solution. Many are real brainteasers used by...
Registered Rep. presents the second installment of our newest feature, The Puzzler. Each month, the puzzle page will offer a real-world puzzle and its solution. This page will also feature a separate puzzle contest...
Be thankful you already have a job. Job interviews at many large companies feature brainteasers and puzzles that test the problem-solving skills of an applicant. When a job is on the line, these puzzles can be...
Can you name the Street's largest asset gatherer last year? Was it Merrill? Smith Barney? No, the title went to Charles Schwab. The pioneering discount broker, who was slammed by the tech wreck and suffered through...
In a nod to the smaller investors who gave the firm its early success, Charles Schwab Corp. has eliminated its remaining account service fees and its $3-per-order handling charge on equity trades.
Suspended from the ceiling in Chuck Schwab's corner office high above the financial district of San Francisco is a mobile whose delicate parts sway in response to the slightest breeze or environmental change. Beneath...