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Jones #1 again?

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May 4, 2005 8:18 pm

Christ was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15).  I suspect that BF was alluding to that, in his own charminly illiterate way.

May 4, 2005 11:07 pm

Interesting that you should incorrectly type the word "charmingly" before the word "illiterate". Not surprising, mind you,.

May 4, 2005 11:11 pm

You're so right.

I've misspelled a word, and you've mistaken our Lord and Saviour for a second rate securities firm out of Missouri.

My error is far worse.

May 4, 2005 11:31 pm


I was just pointing out a fact.  So if you aren't forty yet and you said you have been married twenty years..and got married at 20.  You must have lied about something.  Both cannot be true....

I have come to the conclusion that you do in fact belong at Jones.  In fact, you just might be the perfect Jones broker.  Being indy isn't for everyone.

As far as religion goes....hmmm should I touch this one?  Sure why not? 

I think Jones tends to attract those that are of "greater faith"  In my view--people who become very involved with their faith tend to make good Jones brokers.  Why?  Because they can be more easily manipulated than an independent strong minded thinker would be.  And no one is more loyal than someone who believes very strongly in their faith and can be a part of a group who has similar beliefs.  One could argue that many corporate cultures facilitate this.  Jones is just better at it than most.  How else can you explain the number one ranking in RR every year?  Jones clearly is not the number one firm in the industry..but the reps rate it so?  The culture of Jones is much like a religous cult and it has often been compared to such.  Whether you are of faith or not, I don't think you can deny these observations as being accurate.

That's why someone like Bill is a perfect fit.

May 5, 2005 12:06 am


"Equal parts Wall Street and Main Street, Jones reps work in one-broker offices with a single assistant, offering financial guidance to mostly small-time and, in some cases, first-time investors. (According to Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Edward Jones clients have an average income of $54,000 and a net worth of $383,000."

In other words, experimental lab rats…


Jonestown Envy,

If this is the case, why are you so jealous?
May 5, 2005 12:07 am

Whoa! Zacko, I like a lot of what you say but, the above is way off base. Because someone is a Christian and has a strong faith they are easily manipulated?

If you recall the RR survey is the #1 firm to work for according to the Reps. So, obviously Jones Reps think so. So we are all in a cult because of a strong corporate culture? Guess IBM is a cult, surely Emerson electric is one and don't forget about MMM. these are all companies with a strong culture that employees and associates would walk through walls for.

I am a Christian and I chose Jones because of a lot of the core values of the firm match my faith. but then, a lot of firms profess those values also. I just chose one I was comfortable with. Your comments are alarming.

May 5, 2005 2:19 pm


You said christian...I said faith.  You said easily manipulated.  I said more easily manipulated than another might be.  Please don't take me all the way out of context.  There is some truth to what I am saying.  I don't think you are that way guest1, but many at your firm are.

While I was that while at Jones I was exposed to prayer breakfasts and prayers at regional meetings.  Uncool in my view.  It is Jones who wants the "joiner or the herd" mentality.  Strong religious beliefs practiced in an organized fashion can be compared to many corporate cultures.  You are right.

Jones just seemed to attract and promote this more than I thought.  Maybe all corporate cultures are like this?  I'm clearly not and i do not stand alone in my view I can assure you.

You can be a good person and NOT be a christian.  There are many good people who are atheists, agnostics, hindus, etc..  In my time at Jones I observed many "born again" views, many IR's who would intertwine their religous beleifs and their blind dedication to their firm.  Ridiculous...but true.  All I am saying is that the cultish mentality that exists at Jones can be compared to that of a zealot.  Well, maybe not that extreme...but not as far off as you might otherwise think.

BTW, I have met many many dishonest people in my life who claim to be christians.  Sorry, but it's also true. 

May 5, 2005 2:35 pm

Jones is about as close to a cult as it gets.  BF needs an intervention or a marriage counselor.  He doesn't even know he's getting $crewed by the GP's. 

Jones is a very closed society as evidenced by the lack of exposure to other fund and VA families.  Another example is all the pressure to find new recruites...for FREE.  Train new guys...for FREE.  Give away part of your book...for FREE.  The firm actually uses phrases like..."give back to the firm"...Jones GAVE me nothing...I did the work...WE took a risk...Jones always comes out ahead.

May 5, 2005 2:36 pm

Exactly!  Good points ball roller!

May 5, 2005 4:07 pm

Starka exposes himself as a Canuck with his “u” in savior…Zack exposes himself as a prejudiced prick for his comments about Christians…uwe is still the same idiot he always was. Last time I checked, Bush #2, Clinton, Reagan and Carter all were professing Christians. So is Warren Buffett and a few others . My intellect has nothing to do with my religious faith, and the above comments were the worst kind of bottom level thinking.

May 5, 2005 4:52 pm

Zacko your post are right on the money!

I think the point which I cant help but chime in on is that fundamentalist Christians seem to think their way is the only way and every other faith is wrong if not bad and evil. 

This ignorant school of thought fits in perfectly at EDJ.  Close minded, uninformed, blinder-mentality.  I was very uncomfortble with it while  at EDJ.    

What would this world be though with out the nonindependent thinking worker sheep.  This is what EDJ attracts.  As for me, I want to fly with the eagles.   

May 5, 2005 5:25 pm

Ring the bell!!! ding ding ding ding! malcolm wins the award for the lamest comment I have ever read on this forum with his “eagle” schlock crapola. Well done, you doofus. While you’re up there with the eagles, watch you don’t smack into the wall of your own stupidity.

May 5, 2005 5:36 pm

EDJ, if memory serves, is predominantely Roman Catholic, not fundamentalist Christian.

May 5, 2005 5:38 pm

It's true that eagle may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

May 5, 2005 6:03 pm

I can tell where this discussion is going.

Can I get an amen?

May 5, 2005 6:13 pm

I am not walled in at my practice Bill so I don't have to worry about that.  You're the one with walls to worry about. 

Thanks for ringing the bell for me though.   

May 5, 2005 6:44 pm


It's all your fault for quoting the bible.  A dedicated & loyal servant of Jones who happens to quote scripture on a forum about the brokerage industry?

My case & point.

May 5, 2005 6:52 pm

BF or should I say DF (dumb #$%^)

I'll put my intellect up against yours any day of the week.  For some reason you're blinded by Jones, I hope you get a clue some day.

Don't you have some rookies to train...FOR FREE?  Jones will be very angry with you for using their system to post on this forum...compliance is watching.

May 5, 2005 7:08 pm

HALLELUJAH brotha uwec

May 5, 2005 10:20 pm

Release the Hounds of Hell… aka Devil Dogs!