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Why can't I get an interview? Help

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Feb 11, 2007 3:56 pm

[quote=bankrep1] [quote=Starka] bankrep, did you start at a bank?

I'm not denigrating you efforts, or contesting the fact that you're making a
good living at a bank. The original gist of this thread was that the original
poster had interviews with major wires, arguably the best starting ground
for learning the craft, and was disappointed that the banks were not lining
up for a copy of his resume. (Could it be that banks would rather let
someone else give the top flight training, then cull their people from these
ranks and save themselves the expense of training rookies?)

I do not agree that the wores are the best place to start. I think working closely under an independent is the most ideal environment. Now if the wores have a mentor program then maybe, but I have had friends go through UBS, Smith Barney, and a few regionals all with 0 practical knowledge taught. They all failed. I was mentored by an established producer, a friend within the bank environment, I later moved to a credit union. [/quote] [/quote]

I know at my bank they want wire people ..good sales training and good product knowledge .. I have learned the bank like being Indy is the place you want to be after you have learned the ropes.. Just my experience...

Feb 12, 2007 5:16 pm


AllREIT,  I been selling insurance for 5 freaking years.   I know it is needed.  Most of the public walks around underinsured.  You are preachin to the choir.

Apprentice, I'll take the job at Corn County.  I hear it's easy.

Indyone, didn't you start at a bank?  Didn't that enable you to become...Indyone.

Starka,  It ain't always about the money. 

Malcom,  fu.

There you go.  End of discussion. 


I think you have all been extra tough on this guy or gal.

Maybe they KNOW they are not good at prospecting and want to start out at the bank.  No problem there.  There are plenty of happy bank brokers on this site.