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I need a kick in the azz

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Jul 19, 2007 7:05 pm


Keep score and reward yourself.  If you ask me any time during the day I can tell you my score for the day.

If I get halfway through I reward myself with lunch, when I'm all the way through I can have dinner. If I beat the daily number I get to have desert.  If I beat my weekly record by Friday, I'll take Saturday off (Hasn't happend yet).


So basically if you meet your goals, you get fat?

All kidding aside, I need to find some sort of reward, thank you, point taken.


Reward yourself with a good tooth-brushing

Jul 20, 2007 12:54 am

[quote=snaggletooth] [quote=Billyclub]

Keep score and reward yourself. If you ask me any time during the day

I can tell you my score for the day.

If I get halfway through I reward myself with lunch, when I’m all the way

through I can have dinner. If I beat the daily number I get to have desert.

If I beat my weekly record by Friday, I’ll take Saturday off (Hasn’t happend



So basically if you meet your goals, you get fat?

All kidding aside, I need to find some sort of reward, thank you, point



Snag, one other thing - make sure you track those daily activities for a

few months, maybe 90 days. As bad as it might hurt now, if you REALLY

do all those activities every day, I promise you will look back in 90 days

and see how that activity actually increased your production. Just make

sure you track it.
Jul 20, 2007 3:12 am


So basically if you meet your goals, you get fat?

All kidding aside, I need to find some sort of reward, thank you, point taken.


Not Fat. Fatter! Great day today.....mmmmm.....Cheasecake!