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Oct 6, 2020 4:02 pm

After 15 years as an advisor, I am selling my business and looking for a new opportunity. My clients have aged out on my and I no longer have the energy or vision to start over. Full disclosure: you might call it failure, although I have made a living at this. I just don’t want to sell anymore.

What else is their in the industry where I can ue my licenses, skills and experiences in client service, trading, paperwork, etc.

I have been looking at the paraplanner role, but in several interviews so far I’ve seen it’s mostly an Enward Jones assistant type role. So perhaps a true support person who preps for meetings and follows up with clients is hard to find.

If I was younger I would pursue something on the buy side, but I don’t have the eduational background to be an analyst or support a fund manager.

I feel it’s a transitional time in the industry. I’m not sure where it’s going, or if it’s going there right now, but would like to take advantage of whatever the new direction is.

I would also leave the industry outright if my experience translate to another industry.

Thank you for any help or suggestions!