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Moving From Jones to AGEdwards

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May 15, 2005 4:58 pm

"I was talking to a simple minded Jones client and he was wanting an explanation regarding the letter he received from Jones regarding the mutual fund scandal at Jones."

Making sh*t up as usual - the letters have not been mailed and there is no date set for them to be mailed.

Rip on us for bad technology or too few products all you want, but quit out and out lying about annuities, b-shares, fake conversations, etc.  It's starting to look pathological.

May 15, 2005 5:22 pm

Newbie, how many times has your compliance department shot down an annuity ticket from you?  How many times have you heard of them refusing to take the order?  In other words, does this vaunted compliance procedure that you cite have any teeth, or is it just a sop to show the regulators?

What I'm suggesting is that before you claim someone is lying, consider that there are those here that know far more than you do regarding the plying of our trade.

May 17, 2005 1:45 am
The Truth:

Read the fine print a bit closer if and when Jones decides to sell out. Great point about the ethics. I was talking to a simple minded Jones client and he was wanting an explanation regarding the letter he received from Jones regarding the mutual fund scandal at Jones. Paraphrasing he said so can I move to any fund family at no cost? I said yes you can. He said Calamos, Franklin or Oppenheimer? I said yes. He said why did my broker say that that was not the case? I asked him to make the switch from VK and LA and he said that he was reading the letter wrong. By the way this broker is a top 10 producer. So a complaint letter is on the way. How are you other Jones brokers handling this situation?


There you go STORY TELLING again. The 90 day switch letters have not even been mailed out yet. Another fabricated, embellished story from a guy or gal who calls him/herself "truth".

When do the falsehoods end?

May 17, 2005 11:45 am

What reason could Truth have for lying to you?  It’s obvious why you wold lie, but why would Truth have to manufacture anything?

May 18, 2005 2:41 am

Let’s see who’s lying about the 90 day free switch letter. Someone who works at Jones or someone who doesn’t. Humm. Maybe yoy’re right fool Truth would probably know more than I about what going on at Jones.

Why is it obvious I would lie?


May 18, 2005 11:39 am


trust someone who works for a cult or one who left?

The truth will set you free candy bar.

May 19, 2005 3:30 am

You left Jones in 1984 and still can’t get them out your mind.

Maybe you should seek some professional help.

Sometimes you just gotta let things go. There’s always going to be someone taller than you, somebody with more hair, somebody with a better looking wife, somebody skinnier, a better firm than yours, etc.

Don’t let this ruin your life. Seek some help fast.

May 19, 2005 12:31 pm

You've mentioned this before and I've answered before (yeah comprehension is always an issue at your firm). I left in 2002 hence the xej portion 1984 refers to Orwell's book 1984.

May 19, 2005 2:03 pm


You've mentioned this before and I've answered before (yeah comprehension is always an issue at your firm). I left in 2002 hence the xej portion 1984 refers to Orwell's book 1984.


  i liked that it made me laugh. 

May 20, 2005 12:36 am

[quote=BigPayDay] Sooth,

This is my ALL TIME FAVORITE line of yours:

“So, you have absolutely no idea how it feels to be constantly put in the chow line behind these guys and gals who have not done the work of building a business.”

It sorta brings a tear to my eye! [/quote]

Sooth, R.I.P.?


May 20, 2005 8:24 pm

[quote=Soothsayer]Speechless?  Hardly.  Go back and answer the questions.  Then, I'll respond.  For the third and final time.  The S&P 500 was up almost 20% per year in the 90s.  I did not take the last 5 years into account.  I don't give two sh*ts of a rat's ass what the Jones LP did!  That is not the point!  Start with the military analogy.  It is valid.  (By the way, I'm entitled to use them, and Put Trader is not.  I served--25th Infantry Division, 3/21 Infantry "Tropic Light", Go Gimlet!) [/quote]

A Co. 1/27INF, Wolfhounds! (attached, actually)

May 21, 2005 4:29 am

Another Jones Basher leaves the board:

Sooth Sayer R.I.P.

Aluminati R.I.P.

Lane Legs R.I.P.

Player R.I.P.




Who’s next?

May 21, 2005 1:24 pm

Why not you?  You have nothing intelligent to offer!

May 21, 2005 11:10 pm
Phlyin' Phule:

Why not you? You have nothing intelligent to offer!

You'll be gone soon too.

May 22, 2005 12:58 am


witty response, when are you being offered a gp?

May 26, 2005 3:27 am

[quote=The Truth] Read the fine print a bit closer if and when Jones decides to sell out. Great point about the ethics. I was talking to a simple minded Jones client and he was wanting an explanation regarding the letter he received from Jones regarding the mutual fund scandal at Jones. Paraphrasing he said so can I move to any fund family at no cost? I said yes you can. He said Calamos, Franklin or Oppenheimer? I said yes. He said why did my broker say that that was not the case? I asked him to make the switch from VK and LA and he said that he was reading the letter wrong. By the way this broker is a top 10 producer. So a complaint letter is on the way. How are you other Jones brokers handling this situation?


There you go STORY TELLING again. The 90 day switch letters have not even been mailed out yet. Another fabricated, embellished story from a guy or gal who calls him/herself "truth".

When do the falsehoods end?



Ever since this post we havn't heard from you. What's up? Did you head of to Massachussets to get married to Zacko?

May 28, 2005 5:01 pm


We haven't left the baord some of us can afford a 2 month vacation, we have other brokers in our SEL-OWNED BUSINESS....


May 28, 2005 6:18 pm


What’s that.

Slow down, take a breath.

Everything will be OK.


May 28, 2005 7:39 pm

answer the questions BigPayDay,

Take a breath slow down, everything will be ok, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE..........Let's hear it?

Jun 2, 2005 6:24 am

What’s the difference?