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Mar 26, 2009 3:01 am


you left out that you can put account type on your protocol sheet. such as Mary Smith TTEE for Joe Smith Trust dtd 1/1/2004

lately you can get more libral than this and even say

mary smith ttee for joe smith trust dtd 1/1/2004 brandes global SMA account

hope that helps

Mar 26, 2009 3:03 am

by the way deals are dropping fast and furious - if you are talking to a firm get a contract as soon as possible. ours dropped again today (UBS) 2nd time this month.

Mar 26, 2009 3:20 am

I wonder if the Stifel deals are dropping? Rumor has it that an old AGE branch in Spring Texas will be moving to Stifel soon. Be careful of the TRO’s

Mar 26, 2009 3:50 am

[quote=Apollo 13]I wonder if the Stifel deals are dropping? Rumor has it that an old AGE branch in Podunk, Iowa will be moving to Stifel soon. Be careful of the TRO’s[/quote]

Seriously Apollo…you realize that anyone(including EdWachFargo management) could be reading this board?  How would you feel if you were an employee in the branch about which you are spreading rumors.  Take your post down and stop farking with people’s livelihoods.

Mar 26, 2009 3:57 am

Hey Godfather nemisis. I wonder how you were able to change my original post in your reply. It’s Spring Texas not Podunk, Iowa. And by the way Spring, Texas what goes around comes around.

Mar 26, 2009 4:03 am

I do not agree that face to face with your manager is mannin up. I think that is giving the competition an edge. Having said that…this is a different environment. We all speak openly with each other in the office about who is giving what deal. Even with our MGR. Not so 2 years ago. So my advice is probably not for this environment but yesterdays and 4 years from now.

Mar 26, 2009 4:13 am
Apollo 13:

Hey Godfather nemisis. I wonder how you were able to change my original post in your reply. It’s Alibastar, Kansas not Podunk, Iowa. And by the way Alibastar, Kansas what goes around comes around.

  New nominee for dbag of the year.
Mar 26, 2009 4:17 am

Ouch, that one hurts. An eye for an eye. As the good bible says.

Mar 26, 2009 4:18 am


you left out that you can put account type on your protocol sheet. such as Mary Smith TTEE for Joe Smith Trust dtd 1/1/2004

lately you can get more libral than this and even say

mary smith ttee for joe smith trust dtd 1/1/2004 brandes global SMA account

hope that helps

  People should see this..good stuff
Mar 26, 2009 1:06 pm

[quote=Apollo 13]Hey Godfather nemisis. I wonder how you were able to change my original post in your reply. It’s Rochester, NY not Podunk, Iowa. And by the way Rochester what goes around comes around.[/quote]

Pretty easy to edit if you can rub a couple of brain cells together.

Karma is a female dog.  I hope for your sake it doesn’t turn around and bite you too.  Good luck.

Mar 26, 2009 11:19 pm

What happens if an entire Wachovia branch would move to Stifel? Would Wachovia let them go, sue them for raiding a branch? What usually happens?

Mar 27, 2009 12:03 am

most likely go for TRO through the courts, most likely fail at that attempt and then go to arbitration for Raiding.

Been there, done that.  Except I did not go to Stiefel.  But I did get to experience all the other fun.   Besides being a pain, no harm done to me or my business.  Actually, something to remember and talk about for years to come!

Mar 27, 2009 1:47 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]What happens if an entire Wachovia branch would move to Stifel? Would Wachovia let them go, sue them for raiding a branch? What usually happens? [/quote]

This has probably happened 10-20 times already…I think SF knows the drill by now. They won the suit when John Lee left so I don’t think WS has a leg to stand on after that.

Mar 27, 2009 3:03 am

Nestegg…do you have a idea how many A.G have left so far ?

Mar 27, 2009 3:18 am

[quote=clang]Nestegg…do you have a idea how many A.G have left so far ?

You mean how many AGE have come to SF?

Mar 27, 2009 3:34 am

I meant overall but the SF answer is also good if you happen to know both. We were figuring maybe 2k had left so far since Wach buyout.


Mar 27, 2009 3:38 am

[quote=clang]I meant overall but the SF answer is also good if you happen to know both. We were figuring maybe 2k had left so far since Wach buyout.



Not sure I know when I left in Jan the AGE # was in the high 5000 range…it was 6700 at the time of the merger, so over 1000 last year alone…

Mar 27, 2009 5:21 am

I don’t think this went out so I am trying again. My client in Oregon went to his normal Wells Bank Branch. He asked about the mortgage rates advertised in the branch. The teller said " oh I see you have 450,000 with us " He said I wish. It is more like 50,000. She said , you have other relationships with the bank somewhere that total 450,000. She could see the total the guy has with me. Clients will not like this and I do not this, at all. WB/WFC guys is this true ? Can the bank see my client…my client…my…clients’ asset value. I await response.

Mar 27, 2009 5:31 am

Redpen…wait until you complete an Envision Plan , WFC will know EVERYTHING about him.

According to WFC, on average they cross sell 4.7 products per customer.

Mar 27, 2009 12:55 pm

Yes, Redpen, it is true that Wachovia bank tellers can see ALL of your clients assets held at Wachovia Securities.  I have also been told that WS brokers can go to a Wachovia bank branch to cash a check and if you give the teller your social security number for verifiication, they can see all of YOUR assets (even if you do not have a Wachovia bank account).  I intend to test this to see if it’s true.