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Jun 16, 2006 5:58 pm

[quote=Big Easy Flood]


The fact is that typing in lower case is considered incorrect.  If you were doing it because you did not know it would be sad, but excusable.

But you do know.  What you're doing is akin to refusing to stand during the national anthem, or talking with your mouth full, or picking your nose at a dinner table........the list is long.

All I am doing is asking where is the well spring of self loathing that causes you to strut around saying, "I know it's incorrect, but I don't care and have no intention of bothering to do what is correct."

How could you hate yourself so much that you have absolutely zero pride in what you present for others to see?

Why would you not want to make something as perfect as possible, instead of taking pride in the sloppiness?



Jun 16, 2006 8:17 pm

BEF said (in another thread):

I also have time.  As I indicated somewhere I maintain a trading account with Fidelity and am sitting in front of a computer much of the time.  I try to remind myself that a watched pot never boils but I cannot help myself.

So I have Fidelity Pro Trader up and I also have the Internet up.  When the market begins to bore me, which it normally does most of the time, I goof around with the Internet, buy and sell stuff on e-Bay and play around with message boards.

About a dozen weeks a year I travel with my best friend, my wife of nearly thirty six years.

It's a tough lifestyle,but somebody has to do it.


Look....I am by no means a slouch when it comes to my own grammar.  Never the less.....I think you miss the point that these types of communication (email, Instant Messenger, chat boards etc...) are all designed around maximum efficiency of communication and that the content is what is emphasized here, not the 'packaging'.  You obviously have time to edit your posts and others...most people here are anonymous (and busy unlike you) and therefore there is no 'real' image to protect anyway.  Your opinion really doesn't matter to any of us concerning your thoughts on our image.  I'm sure that when drafting business letters most everybody here does edit their work.

Look here's an analogy: When you have to split wood do you wear your best suit and tie?   No, you dress in appropriately 'dingy' but functional clothing.  You see, you are saying "Damn man, get yourself a suit and look respectable" and we're saying "Sh*t man, I'm splitting some friggin wood and drinkin' a beer here...chill out"

Here the only image is associated with an anonymous identitly......those who make a mountain out of a molehill are just spinning their wheels and wasting their own time. 

Jun 16, 2006 8:26 pm

Here the only image is associated with an anonymous identitly......those who make a mountain out of a molehill are just spinning their wheels and wasting their own time......which you obviously have an abundance of.

You also state that we should be listening to what you have to say because of your experience.  Well most of the posts I have read from you have been nothing but ego inflating and nit picky....whether you want to face it or not, you sound like an old, grumpy, bored man; not like someone who has pearls of wisdom to share.

I'm sure you have something of value to share, I'm just waiting to see it.  To you, many here may appear 'lazy', well to most here you appear like a complete unedited c*cksucker who is soo bored that you change your 'identity' and throw out rabbit terds instead of pearls.  Not something I want to pick up off the ground.

Jun 16, 2006 8:30 pm

I understand that this is a casual environment, and typos and misspelllings occur accidently.

However, the refusal to capitalize and punctuate is intentional.

My point is what character flaw exists when somebody intentionally portrays themself as being either lazy or stupid?

Can you imagine yourself setting out to appear to be stupid?

If not, why are you willing to excuse it in others?

Jun 16, 2006 8:56 pm

Appearances are in the eyes of the beholder.  Unlike you BEF I don't have that limitation (prejudice based on socially manufactured ideas of what 'laziness' or 'stupidity' is).  I am able to see the book for it's content not it's cover.  Some of the smartest most ambitious people I have met have lousy grammatical skills (some doctor's come to mind )..... I hope you're not that narrow BEF that you would suggest that all people who are relaxed about their punctuation are lazy and stupid.  Sh*t, sitting in front of a computer all day looking at the stock market and posting on chat boards (like you do) sounds waaaaaayyy more lazy and stupid than minor grammatical errors to me.  Shouldn't you be playing shuffle board or something?

**You see it's all in the eye of the beholder**

It doesn't appear lazy to looks like a functional choice for those who may not care too much about how others percieve their 'imaginary' identity here.  If I really cared about what people thought of me here..why would I name myself 'Dude'?  Certainly not a term that connotes a professional who handles money for others.

I just don't view the world through the same lens BEF, and I suspect that most other's on this board don't as well.

Jun 16, 2006 9:02 pm


I just don't view the world through the same lens BEF, and I suspect that most other's on this board don't as well.


My question is simple.  Do you think that there is an upside to announcing that you do not try to not appear to be lazy or stupid.

Mistakes are one thing, but intentionally portraying yourself as a lazy fool is something completely different.

Where am I wrong?  What am I missing?  Why should I want to make myself look stupid and lazy?

Teach me what I'm missing by thinking that we should always try to be the best we can.

Jun 16, 2006 9:12 pm

Teach me what I'm missing by thinking that we should always try to be the best we can.

good god- if we've seen the best you've got, i really feel for your wife.

you know, now there is someone with self-loathing issues, any self-respect she may have had, i'm sure you've sucked out of her long ago-- poor woman.

in fact- since it's fathers day weekend, why don't you let her out of the basement for a little while this know, like in the olden days? let her bring her pet rat...errr.. never mind she'd have you.


Jun 16, 2006 9:18 pm

BEF this is soooooo simple that I'm suprised that you're having a hard time getting it.

I try to focus on the things that TRULY matter and here on an anonymous chat board.....identity and packaging are not a part of that.  Exchange of information and debating issues relevant to my field of expertise is what is important.

You make too many assumptions which makes it impossible to have a balanced conversation with you. Example:

Mistakes are one thing, but intentionally portraying yourself as a lazy fool is something completely different.


You are assuming that people are intentionally being 'lazy'.  Here's a thought for you....what if they (like me) don't see it as being lazy? 

You see in order for me to reply to your question, I must assume the same postition as you do (that improper punctuation and grammar is lazy) and from my perspective I'd rather not bend over and get it in the a*s like you.  Again I must reiterate that I do not see it as being lazy therefore we have no common grounds to discuss this issue as long as you insist I answer questions from your paradigm.

BEF said:

Teach me what I'm missing by thinking that we should always try to be the best we can.


I think it's all about choosing your battles wisely.  Are you the best you can be at ALL things BEF?  I expect that you like most mere mortals make decisions every day about where they want to invest their limited energy and I'm sure that you like them have areas that you allow to be 'less than your best'.  Do you always put the toilet seat down and make sure that you never get any on the seat?  Do you make sure that all your dirt is swept and raked to perfection?  If I randomly visit your home will there be cookies and milk graciously awaiting to make me feel welcome?  Give me a break.

This is why I think you are petty BEF.

Jun 16, 2006 9:20 pm


Teach me what I'm missing by thinking that we should always try to be the best we can.

good god- if we've seen the best you've got, i really feel for your wife.

you know, now there is someone with self-loathing issues, any self-respect she may have had, i'm sure you've sucked out of her long ago-- poor woman.

in fact- since it's fathers day weekend, why don't you let her out of the basement for a little while this know, like in the olden days? let her bring her pet rat...errr.. never mind she'd have you.


Jun 16, 2006 9:25 pm

You see in order for me to reply to your question, I must assume the same postition as you do (that improper punctuation and grammar is lazy)

That is not my point of view at all.  I believe that intentionally using improper punctuation and grammar is lazy.

If you know better, yet do it anyway, what does that say about you?

How much effort do you suppose it takes to capitalize the first word of a sentence?

Do you suppose somebody who chooses to write in all lower case doesn't know better?

Or do you suppose they're doing it to be clever and "cool?"

Or do you suppose that they're doing it because they are simply too lazy to touch the shift key while they type?

Which of those reasons is acceptable in an adult's life?

Jun 16, 2006 9:46 pm

You are one uptight, bored and lonely old man BEF.  I have better sh*t to do than debate ABSOLUTLEY MEANINGLESS issues with you.

If consensus is of any value (which is what determines matters of etiquitte) around here I think you are the one who looks stupid and lazy here.  Like I said you should be out playing shuffle board or something instead of playing on the computer all day enticing busy professionals into wasteful exchanges.  Have a good day being irritated that other people are different from you.

Jun 16, 2006 9:57 pm


You are one uptight, bored and lonely old man BEF.  I have better sh*t to do than debate ABSOLUTLEY MEANINGLESS issues with you.

If consensus is of any value (which is what determines matters of etiquitte) around here I think you are the one who looks stupid and lazy here.  Like I said you should be out playing shuffle board or something instead of playing on the computer all day enticing busy professionals into wasteful exchanges.  Have a good day being irritated that other people are different from you.


Poor Dude.  He cannot respond to my question so he's going to move on.  Loser.

As for wasting my day.  Nope not at all, it was the third Friday of the month.

A month ago I sold ten Google combinations--Short the June 440 Put and the June 380 call for a total of $78,000.  Today Google closed at 390 and change.

I will have to buy 1,000 shares over the weekend for $440,000 and sell them for only $380,000 realizing a $60,000 short term loss.

But I have a $78,000 gain to offset it.  $18,000 per month is not all bad, even for an old fart with nothing else to do between trips to exotic destinations.

On Monday I'll sell a similar position for July for what looks like $77,000--not as attractive as it was a month ago, but not all bad.

Anyway I'll put those two legs down on Monday morning and then play message boards for a month while I wait for the time premium to come out of the options.

Jun 16, 2006 10:05 pm

Ok Put Trader, I believe you.............just be careful not to get any on your screen when your done with your self mastabatory ego trip.

Put Trader said:

Anyway I'll put those two legs down on Monday morning and then play message boards for a month while I wait for the time premium to come out of the options.


You just made the case for why we shouldn't listen to you.  Your just playin'........mostly with yourself.

Jun 16, 2006 10:12 pm


Ok Put Trader, I believe you.............just be careful not to get any on your screen when your done with your self mastabatory ego trip.

Put Trader said:

Anyway I'll put those two legs down on Monday morning and then play message boards for a month while I wait for the time premium to come out of the options.


You just made the case for why we shouldn't listen to you.  Your just playin'........mostly with yourself.


Why don't you do it too Dude, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Well, not quite.  Dullards like you would not know what to do if the stock started to move beyond the break even points.

You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.

I am you're hero, I own you little Dude.

Jun 16, 2006 10:16 pm

I am you're hero, I own you little Dude

YOUR, not You're.  I said that that is a common problem because I do it all the time.

But if I was lazy like Dude I'd just ignore it--or even better I'd tell everybody that I know it's wrong and intented to make the mistake because being stupid is cool.

Jun 16, 2006 10:53 pm

You're a fraud Put Trader.

YOUR, not You're.  I said that that is a common problem because I do it all the time.

You stutter Put Trader?  'Cause if you don't it looks really stupid to type a word twice, especially when correcting yourself.

Well, not quite.

Is this a proper sentence PutTrader?  Think hard.

I am you're hero, I own you little Dude.

Actually my name has no capitals, it is merely dude.  Please refer to me by my proper title.  I'm assuming you can read.

You are my hero PutTrader, right up there with the likes of Napoleon Dynamite and Pee Wee Herman.  Both humorously irrelevant, but they make me laugh anyway.  I admire those who can keep me laughing as long as you have PutTrader.  Keep it up.

Jun 17, 2006 11:20 am


I said that that is a common problem because I do it all the time.

You stutter Put Trader?  'Cause if you don't it looks really stupid to type a word twice, especially when correcting yourself.

Well, not quite.

Is this a proper sentence PutTrader?  Think hard.


Poor little dude, trying so hard.

The sentence is saying exactly what I was saying.  The second that is referring to the improper use of "Your" instead of "You're."

It is rarely a good idea to conclude that I made a mistake.  It does happen, but with the frequency of a lunar eclipse.

I could have typed that in all lower case, but it would have made me look stupid.

Jun 17, 2006 3:18 pm

[quote=Big Easy Flood][quote=dude]

It is rarely a good idea to conclude that I made a mistake.  It does happen, but with the frequency of a lunar eclipse.

I could have typed that in all lower case, but it would have made me look stupid.


and we all know you'd rather look like a anal, nit-pickie, bloviating, boor than a stupid/lazy non-capitalizer.....

Jun 17, 2006 3:34 pm


Put Trader said:

Anyway I'll put those two legs down on Monday morning and then play message boards for a month while I wait for the time premium to come out of the options.


You just made the case for why we shouldn't listen to you.  Your just playin'........mostly with yourself.



insomuch as we indure the BS all month for anything tangible from this guy-- you probably shouldn't discourage advise/trading knowledge from boors like this when it does happen (once a lunar eclipse perhaps) --

we are here to share REAL advise/knowledge, and we all have to put up with 80% BS to get anything of real value-- (we probably put up w/ 95% BS w/ this jerk) -- when value does come, at least it allows you to relax the anger a bit and take it for what it's worth-

if this guy is the infamous Put Trader (before my time) it may be wise to listen to his Put Trading advise- it may well be all he is worth to many readers of this forum-

Jun 17, 2006 4:40 pm



insomuch as we indure the BS all month for anything tangible from this guy-- you probably shouldn't discourage advise/trading knowledge from boors like this when it does happen (once a lunar eclipse perhaps) --

we are here to share REAL advise/knowledge, and we all have to put up with 80% BS to get anything of real value-- (we probably put up w/ 95% BS w/ this jerk) -- when value does come, at least it allows you to relax the anger a bit and take it for what it's worth-

if this guy is the infamous Put Trader (before my time) it may be wise to listen to his Put Trading advise- it may well be all he is worth to many readers of this forum-


I know, I know, you know that the word is endure but you like to spell it that way.

And you know that Advise is the verb and Advice is the noun, but this is just a casual format and spell checker would have caught it anyway.  Or would it, after all if you spell the wrong word correctly does spell checker catch that?