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Avoiding the Collapse of Independent Wealth Advisory Businesses

Avoiding the Collapse of Independent Wealth Advisory Businesses

Advisor owners have not evolved into CEOs and don't want to be.

We have spent years working with hundreds of advisory businesses and talking to thousands more. It is time to share the honest truth. The fee-only independent advisory industry is changing rapidly with consolidation and closure of firms due to a lack of sustainability. This is occurring because most advisor owners don’t have the passion, experience, or interest in being a CEO.

Fact: Advisor owners have not evolved into CEOs and most don’t want to be the CEO of their business.

To be fair, advisors were never trained to be CEOs. Most advisors never went to MBA classes or had a CEO mentor that shared the knowledge of what it takes to run and grow a business. Advisor owners were never coached on the evolution from advisor to CEO and the art of shedding responsibilities each step of the way. And most advisor-owners have not been encouraged to invest time and...


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