PRESENTER Michael LaBella Portfolio Manager, Equity Strategist QS Investors |
NEW PRESENTER Josh Greco Head of US Retail Business Development, Client Portfolio Manager QS Investors |
PRESENTER Tim Gilligan ETF Product Specialist Legg Mason |
MODERATOR Matt Hougan Chief Executive Officer Inside ETFs |
Given the expansionary bull market which has characterized the last decade, investors have grown complacent with an over-allocation to US equities. However, recent market volatility gives cause for investors to rethink their portfolio construction to reduce risk while maintaining returns in a low growth environment. The webinar will explore how employing a low volatility solution can help generate returns on the upside while managing risk on the downside.
- What keeps us up all night:
- Longevity: Social Security is not enough
- Narrowing market as we approach the later stages of the economic cycle
- Complacency and low growth environment
- What can I do about it?
- Why is our low volatility high dividend strategy different?
The NAEPC has approved this program for one (1) CE credit hour in estate planning for the AEP® designation program.
Investments & Wealth Institute (formerly IMCA) has accepted this program for 1 hour(s) of CE credit toward the CIMA® and CPWA® certifications.
LIVE EVENT ONLY: The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards has approved this program for one (1) CE credit hour.
Not able to attend? Register anyway! Archived versions of webinars are available to watch ON DEMAND shortly after broadcast. You will receive an email with login instructions as soon as the replay is available. |
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