Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending emerged a few years before the financial crisis gripped the globe. In the United States, Prosper was founded in early 2006 and Lending Club, which began as a Facebook application, opened its doors (figuratively speaking)...
As baby boomers age and lifespans increase, the problem will likely become more common
There are many mistakes to be made when investing. But some are more common (and more costly) than others. Avoiding just one can literally make the difference between poverty and financial freedom, according to Nigel Green, founder and chief...
Courts clarify how to properly use the power to adjust and the ability to make a unitrust election
The April 1 deadline only applies to the year after clients turn 70 ½....
Seven things fiduciaries should know
Florida court considers whether the “lodestar” method applies to determine trustee fees
Finding flexibility in the fiduciary toolbox
Have we gone too far in exculpating fiduciaries?