Trust Fund PuppiesTrust Fund Puppies
Mock pet trusts if you must. The fact that real estate magnate Leona Helmsley left $12 million to a pet dog named Trouble but nothing to two of her grandchildren certainly left some with the view that pet trusts are silly, and maybe even mean-spirited.1 But nice people have pet trusts too. Possible evidence for which I cannot vouch: Woman's Day has reported that beloved talk show host Oprah Winfrey
November 1, 2008
M. Katharine Davidson
Mock pet trusts if you must. The fact that real estate magnate Leona Helmsley left $12 million to a pet dog named Trouble but nothing to two of her grandchildren certainly left some with the view that pet trusts are silly, and maybe even mean-spirited.1
But nice people have pet trusts too. Possible evidence for which I cannot vouch: Woman's Day has reported that beloved talk show host Oprah Winfrey will leave $30 million for the benefit of her pets, including five dogs plus various other animals.2
Indeed, pet trusts can be a serious matter. Some of your clients may want to have one. And you shouldn't be surprised.
First, there are a lot of pets out there. According to The American Pet Products Association's 2007-2008 Na...
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