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How Well Do You Know United States Geography and Demographics?How Well Do You Know United States Geography and Demographics?

If you get more than half right, count yourself a statesman or stateswoman of the first order.

John Kador

July 3, 2018

31 Slides
states puzzle

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You’ve probably visited many U.S. states—maybe even all 50 of them—so you think you know the lay of the land. But every state conceals mysteries. Here are 15 brainteasers to test your knowledge of state geography and demographics. If you get more than half right, count yourself a statesman or stateswoman of the first order.  Good luck. 

About the Author

John Kador

John Kador is a business author focused on leadership, finance, and technology.  He is the author of over 15 books and has been a contributing editor to Wealth Management since 1995.  He received an MS degree in public relations from The American University and a BA in English from Duke University.  He lives in Lewisburg, PA.  Contact him on his website, www.jkador.com.    

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