Editor's Letter: November 2015:Editor's Letter: November 2015:
Change and Opportunity
November 2, 2015

There are big changes coming to the magazine you are currently reading. It’s a bit early to give you all the details, but it’s safe to say in January, REP. will look a lot different.
We are redesigning the magazine to bring it closer to our website, WealthManagement.com. The truth is, we want to continue to evolve alongside the industry, and in some ways, we have been holding on to the past.
The job you do is changing dramatically—it’s likely you aren’t working the same way you did 10 or even five years ago. Your professional choices are greater. Your clients are getting more sophisticated, pushing you to broaden your services. New investment products, increasingly complicated, are being pushed on you all the time.
You also have access to far more information than you ever had before. I hear a variation of this theme all the time from advisors: I don’t have time to read anything, but at the same time there’s an increasing amount of information calling for my attention. Much of the information I get all seems the same. Every asset management firm bombards me with whitepapers, webinars, practice management tools and market insights. Every custodian or broker does the same. There’s a rising tide of blogs, websites, advisor platforms and social media accounts to ingest.
We’ll do our part to help. Come 2016, we intend to bring you shorter, more actionable articles, with quicker tips and names of sources that may help you in your professional endeavors. We’ll also provide you with more benchmarking research from our database of 351,000 advisors, to help you figure out where you stand compared to your peers.
We’ll bring in some additional writers and contributors, and add some new features, including more infographics and other visual elements that hopefully will help you consume twice as much of the information found in these pages in less than half the time it takes to currently read it.
Quite simply, we want to be faster, lighter and, above all, more useful to you.
Of course, we’ll continue to bring you tales of advisors who are doing well, and those that are up to no good. We’ll still have news, trends and insights on the industry. We’ll still have unbiased takes on investment strategies, the asset management industry and the financial products that wholesalers are pushing on you.
But now is the time to ask for your help: What do you want to see in the new REP. magazine? What do you like? What don’t you like? What do you never want to see again? What bugs you about what we do? What delights you?
Most importantly, what kind of information would you find useful? What would help you do your job better?
Please reach out and give me your ideas, or share any other thoughts, questions or concerns: [email protected].
David Armstrong