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Creating Wealth: Individuals Do It and Not the StateCreating Wealth: Individuals Do It and Not the State

August 14, 2012

2 Min Read
Creating Wealth: Individuals Do It and Not the State

I read the Washington Times regularly, as it is a wonderful foil for the House Organ of the Left Wing of the Democratic Party, The New York Times. Today, James Robbins, a senior editorial writer at the Washington Times, nailed what this election is about: Gub'ment versus the individual. Robbins points out that "you didn't build that" comment casts in sharpe relief how he feels about individual success: He ridiculed it and he doesn't think it exists.  

Here are a couple of paragraphs from Robbins' op-ed piece:

"Hope and change” have failed to deliver. More than three years into the Obama administration, economic growth has stagnated, unemployment is far higher than what was promised, and Mr. Obama has amassed more federal debt than every president from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined. When left-wing pundits promised this would be a historic presidency, this wasn’t what they had in mind.

“Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?” Mr. Obama asked rhetorically, referring to his own agenda. Prosperity has to be earned before Mr. Obama can share it. Income has to be created before Washington divvies it up. Wealth can’t be redistributed if it doesn’t exist. Mr. Obama assumes America’s engines of growth and innovation will simply keep on delivering, but the past three years have shown this is not the case. His administration has been fundamentally anti-business, anti-growth and anti-individual. His purported solutions rely on government works projects, coercive regulatory schemes and handing out vast sums of money the government doesn’t have."

James S. Robbins is a senior editorial writer at The Washington Times and author of the forthcoming book, “Native Americans: Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and the New American Identity” (Encounter, 2012).

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