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Tackling the mental health and wellbeing issues of today’s advisor.

The Healthy Advisor: When a Child Struggles With Opioid Addiction With Lori EiselThe Healthy Advisor: When a Child Struggles With Opioid Addiction With Lori Eisel

Advisor Lori Eisel realized she could not control her son’s addiction, but she could help herself and shift her mindset about it.

Diana Britton, Managing Editor

November 16, 2022


When Lori Eisel first found out her son had an addiction problem, she tried to do everything in her power to get control over the situation and help him. But even years later, he is still on the road to recovery.

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor at WealthManagement.com, speaks with Lori Eisel, president of fee-only financial planning firm Arcadia Financial Partners, who shares the struggles and achievements faced by both her son and herself in dealing with this addiction. Lori recounts the lessons she’s learned about addiction, and how she found the help and support she needed to get through it.

She’s become an advocate for awareness around opioid addiction and supports families facing similar circumstances. She’s also supporting Ohio’s Recovery Within Reach campaign, a new program to help financial advisors in the state to spot the signs of a family facing the emotional and financial costs of opioid addiction, and how to help them through those struggles. 

Lori Eisel Ohio Recovery press conference

Lori Eisel (left) recently spoke about her experience with her son at a launch event for Ohio’s Recovery Within Reach campaign, a new program to help financial advisors in the state to spot the signs of a family facing the emotional and financial costs of opioid addiction, and how to help them through those struggles.

Lori discusses: 

  • How she tried to help her son with his addiction;

  • What she has learned about addiction and how she has shifted her mindset;

  • Why she didn’t hide her son’s addiction from others in her community;

  • The toll her son’s addiction has taken on her and the family; and

  • The Ohio initiative to help financial advisors with clients facing addiction.

If you have a struggle and wish to share your experiences and help others in similar situations, please reach out to Diana at [email protected].

The Healthy Advisor podcast is available on Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcherSpotify and wherever podcasts are found. 

About the Author

Diana Britton

Managing Editor, WealthManagement.com

Diana Britton is the Managing Editor of WealthManagement.com, covering covering independent broker/dealers and RIAs from all angles. She's also the host of The Healthy Advisor, a podcast focused on advisor health and wellbeing. A native of Los Angeles, she now lives in Rocklin, Calif.

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