The 2022 RIA Edge StudyThe 2022 RIA Edge Study
Most Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) have achieved impressive growth in clients served and assets managed in recent years, but some have grown at much faster rates than others. Why? Discover the main drivers of RIA growth and value in our inaugural RIA Edge Study.
April 12, 2022

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The growth and influence of the Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) channel in recent years has transformed the wealth management industry.
While most RIAs have enjoyed nearly a decade of consistent growth in assets, buoyed by a prolonged bull market, a highly concentrated group of RIAs strategically grew at a rate that was exponentially greater than their peers.
This study seeks to identify the true drivers of “intentional growth” – how firms grew by design, and not by default – and aims to provide visibility into the “value” of the RIA industry, which includes the value of the services delivered to clients and the value of an overall RIA enterprise.
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