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Gen X Is First to Recover Wealth Lost in Great RecessionGen X Is First to Recover Wealth Lost in Great Recession

The median net household worth of those in Generation X rose 115 percent since 2010.

Samuel Steinberger, Senior Technology Editor

August 2, 2018

1 Min Read
Generation X

Generation X is the only generation to have recovered the wealth it lost during the Great Recession and housing crash, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Federal Reserve data. Although the group, defined as those born from 1965 to 1980, was newer to the housing market and more likely to have purchased a home at peak prices, which translated into a particularly severe hit to their net worth during the recession, their median net household worth rose 115 percent since 2010. In 2016, the net worth of a Gen X household surpassed its 2007 value, while median net worth values for baby boomers (born 1946 to 1964) and the Silent Generation (born 1928 to 1945) households remained below 2007 levels. 

The report noted that only Gen Xers have fully recovered the home equity lost in the recession, with an equity level that’s doubled since 2010, and as of 2016 only 3 percent of Gen X homeowners owe more than they own, known as being “underwater.” Boomer and Silent median household still have not seen that rebound in home equity. And millennials? Those born between 1981 and 1996 were severely affected by the Great Recession in terms of employment and earnings, but they had little wealth to actually lose, according to the report.


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About the Author

Samuel Steinberger

Senior Technology Editor, WealthManagement.com

Samuel Steinberger is Senior Technology Editor for Informa Connect’s WealthManagement.com. In his role, Mr. Steinberger provides the publication’s wealth and financial technology coverage. 

Mr. Steinberger’s editorial insight and familiarity with technology accelerates Informa’s growth within the financial advisor and wealth management communities, providing in-depth news for advisors and financial professionals. 

Before joining Informa Connect, Mr. Steinberger produced documentaries with former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien at Soledad O’Brien Productions (formerly Starfish Media Group). He specialized in research, shooting and editing, as well as finding distinct voices to explain topics like mental health, poverty and racial divide. 

Prior to joining Soledad O’Brien Productions, Mr. Steinberger managed multi-departmental technology projects for global legal technology leader Transperfect Legal Solutions. After obtaining his graduate degree in journalism from Columbia University, he completed his transition from technology management to media. 

Mr. Steinberger is an award-winning journalist, author and researcher who has written, edited and reported for a number of publications, including The New York Times, Financial PlanningAmerican Banker and PBS. He is founder of beverages publication Give Me Weird Drinks

Mr. Steinberger’s technology analysis and insight has been featured in several books on virtual and augmented reality. Mr. Steinberger has received awards and recognition for his reporting and research, including the American Business Media's prestigious Jesse H. Neal Award for editorial excellence.

Follow on Twitter: @slsteinberger

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