Apartment Renter Preferences RevealedApartment Renter Preferences Revealed
December 1, 2015

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What are your apartment renters really thinking? A new survey shows the amenities that renters want the most and are willing to pay for. It also shows how renters hunt for apartments and pay attention to the social media efforts of property managers. The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) partnered with real estate research and consulting firm Kingsley Associates to survey nearly 120,000 apartment residents, as a follow-up to their first Renter Preferences Survey, released in 2013.
The results match what some apartment experts have observed for years. Residents value some amenities at their apartment buildings much more than others.
“Magnificent clubhouses and media rooms may look great on tours, for both prospective residents and equity investors, but they often don't get used as much as you'd think,” says Jay Denton, senior vice president for research and analytics for apartment data firm Axiometrics.