10 Ways Landlords Can Help Restaurant Tenants Survive Reopening10 Ways Landlords Can Help Restaurant Tenants Survive Reopening
Rent relief is only one measure that can help restaurants stay afloat while facing caps on occupancy. Here are some others.

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As various states continue to ease their lockdown restrictions and restaurants reopen in-house dining, they are beginning to grapple with social distancing requirements and jittery costumers. While the ability to serve diners in-house will certainly be an improvement over relying exclusively on takeout and delivery options, operating at half or a quarter of regular capacity will still make it impossible for restaurant operators to turn a profit. In fact, some businesses are opting to remain closed even in states and municipalities where they have officially been allowed to reopen because they see no point in operating at a loss.
Yet for landlords eager to see their tenants succeed and drive shopper traffic to their centers, helping restaurant operators navigate reopening can be critical. So, in addition to some solutions we covered in a previous article, NREI asked readers for recommendations on how landlords can help restaurant tenants shore up their bottom lines. Here are some measures that are being implemented and recommended by various market experts.
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