Thanks to constant stream of financial news, an overwhelming amount of information about global events is available to investors. Certain headlines may cause investors to make improper economic correlations that could lead them to make emotional investment decisions. However, advisors can equip clients against emotional investing using historical context and market fundamentals.
By helping them to better interpret news headlines and correlate potential outcomes, advisors can manage clients’ concerns and keep their investments on track to meet long-term goals.
Advisors will learn:
• How to address client fears that impact investing decisions
• Historic headlines and how investors at the time perceived and responded
• Potential upcoming headlines that clients should most pay attention to and why
• Ways to help clients better identify how global news headlines may correlate to economic outcomes that potentially impact their portfolios
PRESENTER: Mark Hackett Chief of Investment Research Nationwide® |
PRESENTER: Daniel Crosby President Nocturne Capital |
MODERATOR: David Armstrong Editor-in-Chief |
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The NAEPC has approved this program for one (1) general CE credit hour for the AEP® designation program.
IMCA has accepted Fact vs. Fear: How to Present a Steady Message Amidst Sensational News for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA® and CPWA® certifications.
LIVE EVENT ONLY: The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards has approved this program for one (1) CE credit hour.