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The Funding Dilemma

Executors face a painful dilemma in deciding when to satisfy a pecuniary bequest. If they make distributions too quickly, creditors may hold them liable for disposing of funds needed to pay debts. If they make distributions too slowly, beneficiaries are likely to become disgruntled and seek other opportunities to challenge their conduct. (Happy beneficiaries forgive executors' mistakes; unhappy beneficiaries

Executors face a painful dilemma in deciding when to satisfy a pecuniary bequest. If they make distributions too quickly, creditors may hold them liable for disposing of funds needed to pay debts. If they make distributions too slowly, beneficiaries are likely to become disgruntled and seek other opportunities to challenge their conduct. (Happy beneficiaries forgive executors' mistakes; unhappy beneficiaries play “gotcha” at the first sign of trouble.) Delayed beneficiaries may have added

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