Michael Kitces' #FASuccess Podcast: Cost-Effective Seminar Marketing with Samantha BezarMichael Kitces' #FASuccess Podcast: Cost-Effective Seminar Marketing with Samantha Bezar
Thrive Financial Services' Samantha Bezar details how the firm uses Facebook digital marketing to fill in-person seminar events.
August 11, 2020
Welcome back to the 186th episode of Financial Advisor Success Podcast!
My guest on today’s podcast is Samantha Bezar. Samantha is the director of digital marketing for Thrive Financial Services, a hybrid RIA and insurance agency near Philadelphia generating more than $6 million of annual revenue while serving nearly 500 clients. What’s unique about Samantha, though, is the way she’s built a scalable marketing solution for the firm, with a combination of digital marketing and in-person events that have lifted the revenue of the firm from a few hundred thousand dollars to more than $6 million of revenue in under 3 years.
In this episode, we talk in-depth about Thrive’s seminar marketing approach, why they’ve chosen to do education-only events and not dinner seminars, the way they initially drew participants by relying on buying third-party mailing lists but dropped their cost of client acquisition by more than half by doing their own Facebook digital marketing to fill in-person seminar events, the exact process that Thrive goes through to target their ideal prospects on Facebook, engage them to register for the seminar and confirm they actually attend, and the metrics of how a $3,000 marketing spend can turn into tens of thousands of dollars of new revenue, which just gives Thrive more money to reinvest into their marketing process to further accelerate their growth.
We also talk about how Thrive transitioned to webinar events in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, why the company still chooses to do its webinars as an in-person live stream and not just a recorded webinar or voice-over PowerPoint approach, the tools and technology that Thrive uses to deliver its webinars and handle its online registration process, and how Samantha determined that text messaging can actually be a highly effective marketing tool to ensure prospects follow through.
And be certain to listen to the end, where Samantha shares her own journey of learning digital marketing in the advisory world without a background as a financial advisor, the importance of viewing all marketing as experiments where it’s okay to try something out and fail because that’s the only way you find out a new approach that works, and why Samantha sees marketing automation software tools as the key to executing scalable marketing for an advisory firm in the future.
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