For decades, investors and academics alike have sought the magic bullet, the one data point that would predict the future performance of mutual funds. Hundreds of studies looked at a variety of variables including past performance, expense ratio...
As the popularity of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) grows, financial advisors are increasingly pressed to separate the wheat from the chaff, the meat from the gristle, the men from the boys or whatever other stale clich comes to mind. Industry...
It sure is a great time to be a financial advisor. Consider this: Since 1995, the number of millionaire households in the U.S. has more than doubled. Never before had so many Americans become so rich, so quickly, writes Robert Frank in his new...
For most Americans, the most important asset class is not the stock portfolio, it's the house. No wonder some homeowners are getting a bit nervous. The sub-prime mortgage fiasco is forcing up the cost of money, particularly on jumbo mortgages...
Subprime loans, margin lending, hedge fund collapses—for a majority of advisors the storm is still outside their clients’ portfolios.