In a story titled, Managing Managed Futures, in our September issue, there were errors in Tables 1 and 4, on pages 67 and 68. In Table 1, all of the returns listed under S&P should have been negative. In the left-hand column, six return entries...
Sales of long-term care annuities, a kind of insurance against long-term care, have been declining this year. But industry watchers expect that trend to reverse in 2010, when new federal rules kick in. Starting next January, no federal income tax...
The financial markets are no longer trading as though the end of the world is nigh, and for that we can all be thankful. Liquidity has been restored to key sectors of the credit system, and balance sheet repair is under way throughout Corporate...
After the S&P 500 began sinking in 2000, some proponents of index funds criticized the most popular benchmark. The S&P 500 is too volatile, and, being cap weighted, is based on over-valued stocks, they said; so they set about finding better...
There has been a lot of buzz in the air about managed futures of late. It stands to reason, considering it was one of the few asset classes that performed well in 2008. Ok, very well: The average managed-futures program, as measured by the Barclay...
When his career as a financial advisor ended in May, Norman Pappous took up a new line of work evaluating the investment performance of his former peers. Pappous transformed himself from a retail financial advisor into something like a classic...
There is a growing chorus of analysts and money managers who say that China is bubble that is bound to pop. Morgan Stanley analyst Andy Xie wrote in a research report released Monday that a Chinese asset bubble will most definitely burst in the...