Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) has been the very bedrock of investment management and, more specifically, portfolio construction and asset allocation, for decades. To oversimplify, one might explain MPT to clients this way: It is literally a...
When selecting hedge funds for your clients, don’t look for home runs, said Mark Willoughby, principle and wealth manager of Modera Wealth Management, during an fi360 webinar this week. Hedge funds and other alternative strategies can provide a...
Health stocks have faced strong headwinds. The sluggish economy has caused patients to postpone elective surgery, while pharmaceutical companies have been hurt by healthcare reform and expirations of patents on blockbuster drugs. Should you avoid...
Despite the market ups and downs we’ve been experiencing recently, investment managers say this is not the time to get out of the stock market. In fact, the key to stock picking in this environment is to not think of volatility as a bad word...
For months and even years, analysts have debated and speculated on whether gold is in a bubble and whether that bubble could be close to bursting. It’s also been written about time and again in the pages of Registered Rep. But the whipsaw we...
Advisors who reached out to investors during the August market turmoil say they found a less panicked clientele than in 2008. Warning: The longer market volatility lasts, the less tolerant clients will become.
Can you buy outperformance cheaply?