For advisors who were trying to diversify stock-heavy portfolios, 2011 was a year for the record books. While some assets proved to be unusually powerful diversifiers, other investments provided little diversification at all. The unusual pattern...
Here are a few defensive strategies to protect against an end to the runup in fixed income over the past few years.
Behavioral finance suggests investors are often irrational when it comes to money. Some financial advisors are having great success incorporating the principles of behavioral finance with clients.
Former Merrill Lynch/Bank of America advisor Eva Weinberg is accused of helping steal $2.2 million from NFL player Dwight Freeney, according to a federal complaint.
What’s in a name? These ETFs share one thing in common: snazzy sounding names that don’t reflect what the funds actually invest in.
My top-rated mutual fund is GMO Trust: GMO Quality Fund (GQLOZ). It is one of only four funds (out of 7400+) to get my Very Attractive rating. It gets my top rating because 68% of the fund is in Attractive-or-better rated stocks and none of the...