In his latest investment outlook, Bill Gross, portfolio manager at Janus Capital Group, tells bond investors how they can stay out of the doghouse, so to speak, when it comes to negative interest rates around the world. Negative yielding notes ...
The pool of victims active managers need to exploit—the sheep that are to be sheared—is shrinking. Unless you’re Warren Buffett, the winning strategy is to not play.
Unconstrained bond funds are growing in popularity, mainly due to low interest rates and their ability to invest in a broad range of assets. But there are some downfalls as well, namely risks related to credit quality, currency fluctuations and...
A monthly benchmark of financial advisors’ confidence in the economy and markets. A reading below 100 indicates pessimism, over 100 indicates optimism.
“While the economy should continue to trend along at recent ...
Over the past six tightening periods since 1980, the S&P 500 has returned 23.5 percent on average in the nine months prior to the first rate increase.
While financial advisors started out the year more optimistic than they had been in all of 2014, their confidence in the U.S. economy turned negative in February. At the same time, advisors’ short-term outlook on the markets trended up...
It is not important to beat markets, but rather to accomplish personal goals under consideration of the right risk/reward when choosing an advisor or investment