10 Industrial Markets to Watch10 Industrial Markets to Watch
Colliers recently identified 10 up-and-coming industrial markets that offer expansion opportunities for occupiers and yields for investors.
February 27, 2019

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Weighing factors such as yield opportunities for investors and expansion opportunities for occupiers, a recent report from Colliers International identified 10 Emerging U.S. Industrial Markets to Watch in 2019.
"The U.S. industrial market is in the midst of the longest period of growth on record," James Breeze, national director for industrial research, and Pete Quinn, national director of industrial services for Colliers, wrote in the report's introduction. "As a whole, the country has posted 35 quarters of positive absorption in a row. Core markets across the country have thrived during this time, building and absorbing millions of square feet of industrial real estate. While 2019 looks to be another strong year, a variety of factors points to a tapering off of industrial real estate activity for the country in the coming quarters. This does not mean there is
not significant opportunity for both investors and occupiers, however."
In the report, Colliers weighed factors such as regional population trends, vacancy rates, absorption, development activity, rental rates and sales volumes to generate their ranking.
In the following slides, we showcase the top 10 markets identified by the firm, along with some of the key metrics Colliers used to determine its rankings.