How Well Do You Know the Affluent Sales Cycle?How Well Do You Know the Affluent Sales Cycle?
Take this quiz to test how well you know affluent prospects.

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The better you know the buying tendencies of affluent investors, the better your sales process becomes. Do you know how many meetings it takes the average prospect to make a decision? Or where they’re most likely to research you online? Answer the 10 questions below and find out.
The questions below were modified from our 2018 Affluent Investor Research, a survey of 750 affluent investors with between $250 thousand and $10 million in investable assets.
@StephenBoswell is President of The Oechsli Institute and author of Best Practices of Elite Advisors. @KevinANichols is the Chief Operating Officer for The Oechsli Institute and author of The Indispensable LinkedIn Sales Guide for Financial Advisors: The Online to Offline Conversion.
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