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WS Inflated Production #'s

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Apr 27, 2009 1:12 am

After seeing all the bashing of AGE legacy brokers for their “low” production numbers, i think it is interesting that my buddy at WS told me that in his region the average broker producion (T12) is 357 gross.  Also, it is wild that WS brokers think their production is so high, when in fact the majority are working on FA/FC teams, something that was not even possible at Legacy AGE. For exmample. Lets say a team at AGE was doing 750 gross. Under average production per broker that would be 375 a piece. However, this same team at WS under the FA/FC relationships says that broker is doing 750 thus bringing up the average production, because they dont view the FC as a broker. Well see what the real production numbers are when Wells gets rid of the FA/FC partnership.

Apr 27, 2009 1:48 am

you are forgetting that the key words were “revenue” per broker, not production.  far less support, many additional haircuts, more profit centers instead of service centers, fees to the client, fees to the broker, outsourcing etc. etc. not hard to see why revenue per broker was higher.

Apr 27, 2009 1:51 am

im not referring to revenue, im referring to the bashing of AGE guys saying they were inadequate producers, that is complete bs.

Apr 27, 2009 1:56 am

and im referring to the original comparisons that were made when the merger was announced.  they compared revenue, not production.  this has morphed into ws brokers saying that age brokers are pikers when the production #s are far closer than the revenue #s.  i am agreeing with you.

Apr 27, 2009 2:07 am

Who the F*** cares. Why dont you guys get to F***ing work. Unbelievable

Apr 27, 2009 2:08 am

Who the F*** cares. Why dont you guys get to F***ing work. Unbelievable

  i take sundays off, but thanks for asking.
Apr 27, 2009 2:44 am

all i have to say is 195 posts. and i need to get to work?

Apr 27, 2009 4:04 am

The be patient mofo is back. Or did he ever leave?

Apr 27, 2009 10:26 am

[quote=ChurnNBurn]After seeing all the bashing of AGE legacy brokers for their “low” production numbers, i think it is interesting that my buddy at WS told me that in his region the average broker producion (T12) is 357 gross.  Also, it is wild that WS brokers think their production is so high, when in fact the majority are working on FA/FC teams, something that was not even possible at Legacy AGE. For exmample. Lets say a team at AGE was doing 750 gross. Under average production per broker that would be 375 a piece. However, this same team at WS under the FA/FC relationships says that broker is doing 750 thus bringing up the average production, because they dont view the FC as a broker. Well see what the real production numbers are when Wells gets rid of the FA/FC partnership.[/quote]

Here is a clue for you. FA/FC team in most cases is a large producing FA that has taken a lower producing FA under his/her wing. The lower producing FC would be out of the business without the FA. The FA’s production looks higher and gets a bigger share of revenue since he pays the FC a salary instead of the FC getting from his production.The FA also pays the FC benefits from the production. Know at least 6 FC tjhat would be out of business without FA/FC set up.