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Wedbush Morgan

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May 1, 2009 5:11 am

Anyone considering a move to wedbush Morgan.   Smaller regional firm mainly west coast and silmilar culture to age. Transition similar to stifel. Any feedback is appreciated

May 1, 2009 10:54 pm

I just moved to wedbush and have been there a week.   So far so good… much better than the wirehouse I was at

May 5, 2009 4:49 pm

I don’t work at Wedbush, never have, but have taken a look at them. I do know some guys who recently moved there as well just prior to the UBS cut.  From what I can tell, it’s proven to be a welcome relief from the wirehouse world. I hear nothing but positive. I think you’ll struggle there if you’re doing large lending or any exotic business, but if you’ve got a bread and butter book, assets move pretty well, payouts are “Stifel” like and the culture is very FA friendly. Deal is not strong though. I’m told 40% or so upfront if you’re in their $300k+ target range + some back end bogeys. But, offset that somewhat with less of a note… I think 5, maybe 6 years with an early earn out opportunity.   I know a guy who recruits for them and knows the management there pretty well personally if anyone’s interested. PM me.