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Wachovia Class Action Wage Settlement

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Dec 23, 2009 4:36 am

Any legacy Wach people seen their settlement check yet?  They were supposed to be mailed on or before the 21st. 

Dec 23, 2009 4:57 am

Any legacy Wach people seen their settlement check yet?  They were supposed to be mailed on or before the 21st. 

Incredible what a difference a few years make...I worked at another firm few years ago where brokers got a settlement check and about 1/2 the office was offended about the whole process.  Couple guys said they were not going to cash the check when it came.  Now this topic seems like no matter what firm, people are running to their mailbox everyday waiting for it to arrive.  I  was more than happy to take the money then and just as happy now.