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UBS to layoff again

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Jun 21, 2011 3:28 am

Rumor is we are having layoff's again at UBS WMUS.  Supposidly firm wide.  Starting tomorrow through Thrusday. They have been really hush hush on this one.  Not much in the media.  Suppose to be cost cutting measure, fire higher paid employee's and replace with new lower paid.

Management postions have been shuffled around already just like previous times. 

Should be an interesting day tomorrow.  I will update with status tomorrow.  Supposidly 1500 to be cut.

Things have been going really well and now this.

Jun 22, 2011 12:38 pm

Well, didn’t hear anything in my neck of the woods. Any updates?

Jun 24, 2011 9:14 am

Its not near as bad as the rumors were making it out to be.  All the layoffs were behind the scenes IT people. Like programmers, QA, imaging, etc.  Suppose to be over now.