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UBS has done a complete 180-overnight

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May 24, 2010 1:20 pm


The improvement in.


is truly amazing.     

watch the recruiting numbers..........

watch the bottom line numbers.......


Ive seen turn-arounds before......... nothing like this.

its incredible

May 24, 2010 4:29 pm


May 24, 2010 9:42 pm

Complete 180 ?

Replacing one set of wire house lifers directed by Swiss masters with another set of wire house lifers directed by Swiss masters will eventually result in a complete 360. 

McCann=God ?

This reminds me of Monty Python's "Life of Brian"

Brian:  "I'm not the Messiah !"

Arthur: "I say you are Lord and I should know... I've followed a few."

May 25, 2010 5:12 am

Brow nosing koolaid drinkers. Sad.

May 25, 2010 7:08 pm


Complete 180 ?

Replacing one set of wire house lifers directed by Swiss masters with another set of wire house lifers directed by Swiss masters will eventually result in a complete 360. 

McCann=God ?

This reminds me of Monty Python's "Life of Brian"

Brian:  "I'm not the Messiah !"

Arthur: "I say you are Lord and I should know... I've followed a few."



funny stuff

turnaround has been  AMAZING.

blows me away

May 27, 2010 4:32 pm

I question your motives when you continually put up posts on how McCann is God.  The turnover at UBS is second to none and there is no culture or confidence in the firm's capability to support the reps.  Tell us the truth, you are his marketing guy, right?

May 27, 2010 6:26 pm


I question your motives when you continually put up posts on how McCann is God.  The turnover at UBS is second to none and there is no culture or confidence in the firm's capability to support the reps.  Tell us the truth, you are his marketing guy, right?


question my motives?   in a stupid chat room forum?     

read my posts on jamie idiot child price or hoftra the dumb a#S.  or the commie swiss stuck-up jerk-offs.

I got no axe to grind.

Im right.     can he  execute the whole deal?      we shall see.

thats why they play the games

If he does.   UBS (us) will be the best wire on street  

(save it INDY.    i get it

and I agree with you)

May 27, 2010 6:28 pm

[quote=Jennifer Nettles]


I question your motives when you continually put up posts on how McCann is God.  The turnover at UBS is second to none and there is no culture or confidence in the firm's capability to support the reps.  Tell us the truth, you are his marketing guy, right?


question my motives?   in a stupid chat room forum?     

read my posts on jamie idiot child price or hoftra the dumb a#S.  or the commie swiss stuck-up jerk-offs.  (wrong way ubs)  

 i think Goldie had a desk just to be on the oppisite sides of ubs

I got no axe to grind.

Im right.    him and his team say all the right things and sh%t has been changing BIG TIME fast

can he  execute the whole deal?      we shall see.

thats why they play the games

If he does.   UBS (us) will be the best wire on street  

(save it INDY.    i get it

and I agree with you)


May 28, 2010 2:51 pm

There's a great cover story on McCann in this month's On Wall Street: