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SB New Minimum household size

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Nov 29, 2008 2:56 am

I am curios what you might think about SB’s new minimum household policy and not paying commission on trades under $100?

Nov 29, 2008 6:06 pm

Sounds like where all the Wirhouses are heading…WS new plan has no comp under 95.00, BAC is already there…if you want to get paid for what you do I think a regional or indy is the way to go.

Nov 30, 2008 3:10 am

The whores are gettin pretty expensive now, aren’t they!!! What a way to discourage doing stock trades unless you really want to screw the client and set yourself up for problems that the firm will never back you up on. What is this world coming to?

Nov 30, 2008 3:18 am

At ML we haven’t been paid on trades under $100 commission in 6 years.  Same goes for any size trade for households under $100k.  Impact on our business has been very small.  They still pay us on fee-based accounts under $100k (full-disclosure: the comp plan is changing next month and that might change as well, I don’t know).

Nov 30, 2008 11:31 pm

I am curios what you might think about SB’s new minimum household policy and not paying commission on trades under $100?

  What is SB's new minimum household policy?
Nov 30, 2008 11:38 pm

Wow, is this the same for all of the wirehouses?

Dec 2, 2008 10:40 pm
  What is SB's new minimum household policy?