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MSSB merging offices?

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Sep 22, 2009 3:19 am
Looking to recruit a partner and long time friend from MSSB land to go Indie with me. In the Southeast, smaller MS and SB offices seem to be merging somewhat randomly and sales managers and operations employees need to re-interview for positions as the new complex structure takes hold. Offices are somewhat n the dark about the future, staffing, comp etc.   It appears to be somewhat random depending upon location. How is anyone else affected, are you losing managers, ops personnel, or merging offices??   Thanks.
Sep 24, 2009 12:00 am

Not losing anyone, they are merging.  Told today they will move in with us quickly,  no later than November.

Sep 24, 2009 3:09 pm

My local area has closed or announced 4 offices closing. One manager is getting another office that hasn’t had a manager for a few months, but he is certainly seeing a pay cut. Another manager is being moved to a larger branch as a Sales Manager, again pay cut. Two others were removed from management altogether.