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McCann's "Dream Job"

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Sep 20, 2009 5:10 pm

In my opinion, the “dream job” is raising enough $ while outside or inside UBS to peel PW away from UBS, go private, and start picking off Merrill brokers and others, to build an entity unique in the Wealth Management space. There is for sure a more complicated road map to do that than I know of, but the end result would truly be a unique platform and model that would attract quality brokers, market share and be profitable, with all parties on board. That or go join Gorman and gobble up the world!!

Sep 21, 2009 1:46 am

maybe. but not right off

he said   

“dream job” cause Swiss d-bags gave him total control and an open check book.    

Hell, Ozzie basically said it about a month ago.   goog it

Sep 21, 2009 1:48 am

[quote=A b] maybe. but not right off

he said   

“dream job” cause Swiss d-bags gave him total control and an open check book.    

Hell, Ozzie basically said it about a month ago.   goog it

all the dumb and dumber (price/hofsta) stuff toast.   UBS is about to get a hell of alot better place to work at.

mccann will come in as the FA’s white knight.
