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Starting Salary?

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Sep 20, 2007 3:30 am

Quick question for you guys.  Since I can’t post in the other forums, what starting salary did you guys get offered?  I’m currently only getting a 27000 plus commissions.  I’m not sure if that is good or not but I just wanted to get started with a firm and gain some experience.  

Sep 20, 2007 5:05 am

The starting salary is almost immaterial.  Bust your butt and produce and the salary will be a distant memory.  A big salary will just make you lazy and hurt your chances for survival.  As long as the salary covers your basic needs, that’s good enough.

Sep 20, 2007 12:40 pm

As Indy said, it's immaterial in the long run what your starting salary is.  If you have a high one, it can make you lazy.  But to answer your question, it's all relative.  In the wirehouse world, that is low.  Here, I think our base was $45k+production and you could negotiate higher if necessary.  At other places, I've seen ~$40k as the baseline.  I know a couple of guys pulling $80K base salary starting out. 

[quote=jmar]Quick question for you guys.  Since I can't post in the other forums, what starting salary did you guys get offered?  I'm currently only getting a 27000 plus commissions.  I'm not sure if that is good or not but I just wanted to get started with a firm and gain some experience.   [/quote]

Sep 20, 2007 4:42 pm

it’s around 40k here, but as others have said, you shouldn’t put too
much weight in a "salary’ since that’s not what the job is.  As
long as it will pull you through while you’re training.

Also depends on your previous experience, if you’re already licensed, etc.

Sep 21, 2007 2:29 am

it is up to you- at Jones the salary was in the 20s or so- i paid little attention -first full calendar year made over 90k in brand new office- just be sure you’re selling b/t 9 and 5 and not shuffling paper to feel like you’re working