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Series 7

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Feb 23, 2010 10:22 pm

Took it back in '02 through Jones.  I am one that studied too hard.  One thing to feel good about is that if you are not doing well on the tests at Jones they will not even let you sit for it.  They have it figured out that those that they let take it freeze on the exam or cheated on practice tests.  If they feel that it was a just a freeze on the exam thing they will let you take it again. 

Feb 23, 2010 10:24 pm

BTW, I will have to take it again in the next year or so because let it expire after leaving Jones.  

Mar 3, 2010 8:06 pm

It’s an easy test - just long as a mofo.  Got an 84 and studied two weeks, w/o practice tests. Mostly options questions and regulatory crap. 

Jan 23, 2011 7:28 am

I am studying for my Series 65 exam. Does anybody have used Kaplan study guides, practice exam, qBook etc. that I can buy from them. Please respond in thes forums and I will follow up. Any info you can provide on getting used Kaplan stuff for Series 65 will be very helpful. Thanks.

Jan 26, 2011 1:03 pm

The 65 made me want to stick a fork in my eye.  So much vague law, so little real-world stuff, and I only used the Pass the 65 book.  Ended up with an 80, I think, but didn't deserve it.  I walked out of the test facility feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.

I used Kaplan's program for the 7, and I thought their online recorded classes were excellent.  I also used the Pass the 7 book for contrast.  There was much more real-world stuff on the 7, and I got an 86 without studying all that much.

I agree with those who say the 7 is not as tough as its reputation.  The 65, though...


Apr 29, 2011 9:39 am

I took it twice. Once in the early 90's, let it expire when I left the business and then took it again in 2006. Scored high both times and didn't exactly kill myself studying. Just do your work and you'll be ok.

May 9, 2011 4:40 pm

hey guys. dont mean to hijack the thread but i cant make a new one bc im new.

anyway im currently at a firm working in ops. i got my foot in the door and now there sponsoring me to take the 7. ive read the book twice. once i did a read through, second time took notes. i also attended a 4 week class (2hrs twice a week) last month. the study material is by STC. you would think i would be ready for the test but im def not. i havent taken any of the practice tests and to be honest i probably havent been taking it as serious i should be (have alot of stuff going on outside of work that i can't 100% focus). i know the practice tests are the most important part of the studying...

my test is scheduled for june 3rd. so i have about 3-4 weeks. starting tonight i will take the practice exams provided by stc. im following what the book says (take the test open book; see the answer and explanation). i get home late so i can only do maybe 2 hours a night of study.

just looking for advice. and if you guys have any better approaches to it im all ears.

thanks in advance

Jul 21, 2011 11:29 am

Has anyone recently tried Training Consultants or Kaplan for the Series 7? I am not crazy about Fire Solutions.  See my other post

Aug 4, 2011 4:13 am

Hi all.  Glad to find this site.

I enjoy reading about other people going through the same stuff I am going through at the moment.  I am studying for the 7 using TC.  Reading that the practice test (I am assuming you are mainly meaning the "Finals Practice test #1-5) are harder is a big relief. 

I look forward to taking the 7 next week,  Best wishes to the rest of you getting ready to take your 7 soon

Aug 4, 2011 4:18 am

Sorry,  Double posted

Sep 14, 2011 1:56 am

I took it about a year ago.  The series 7 is a bear...its long...I'd recommend that you know options IN and OUT.  As alot of questions are on this.  I studied for two weeks and passed with an 86%.  

Sep 14, 2011 2:24 am

Hi: I just passed the Series 7.  I started using Fire Solutions and was very unhappy with the program.  I evaluated Pass Perfect and others but finally settled on Training Consultants.  It was very well laid out and explained. I passed the exam in the mid-eighties.  The final exam questions on Training Consultants were very similar if not identical to the actual Series 7 about 50% of the time.  My particular Series 7 had about 30 to 40 breakeven and profit and loss questions related to options.  I would say that Training Consultants is the best if not one of the best programs out there and I am now using them for my Series 66. 

Oct 6, 2011 2:07 pm

take as many practice tests as possible, read the kaplan book twice, you will pass with flying colors just like I did.  Once you are consistently making over 80% on practice tests you are ready for the real thing.  The real thing is much easier than the practice tests.  I can't say the same for the 63.  The wording was much different on that exam.  Plus the book I had was outdated.  Still managed to pass in the high 70s.

Oct 3, 2012 2:39 am

Pass Perfect is a great program to prepare for the s7