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Oct 19, 2007 5:25 pm

I am in the middle stages of applying for a job with a wirehouse. There
is a section on the application that asks you to list any criminal
charges that were dismissed or expunged. I had a charge expunged
several years back. I did not mention to the branch manager during the
interview because it had been expunged, which means it no longer
exists, or at least I think.

It was just a misdemenor that happened over 15 years ago. Is this something I need to disclose?


Oct 19, 2007 5:51 pm

Absolutely not.  I’d recommend that you lie like a dog about it.  Sure, you’ll live in fear of discovery over the next 5 years, but if you’re lucky, they’ll never find out.  If you’re not, get used to saying “Would you like to make that a value meal” and “Would you like fries or an apple pie with that”.

Oct 19, 2007 6:05 pm

Uhhh Yes… You must disclose all information… Likely the misdemenor was for something not related to securities and should not effect your employment.  Did the Branch Manager ask for if you had a criminal history and your lied? If so who knows- they might not hire you anyways.  Now that they know your a liar!

  Miss J
Oct 19, 2007 6:28 pm

Obviously your reading comprehension level is low. I said I did not
disclose the information because it was expunged, meaning it no longer
exists. Not because I was trying to decieve anyone. 

Oct 19, 2007 7:05 pm

is a section on the application that asks you to list any criminal
charges that were dismissed or expunged


Hmmmm, it seems that they’ve answered your question already.  Of course you’re not listing it in order to decieve them.  That’s why you were blatantly dishonest by not answering the question truthfully (if that were the case). 

Your options are to not mention it to a lesser firm and see if it showed up on their background check.  If not, then it probably won’t be a problem for future checks, but who knows.  If it does, prepare a good answer stating what it was about, how long ago, and that you skimmed the application and didn’t realize they wanted expunged charges in addition to guilty/no contest pleas, like many firms ask for.  Btw, if it were something 15 years ago, it’s probably not a make or break if you were to be honest, as long as it was immature stupidity rather than something violent.  I value peace of mind and not having to look over my back.  You need to decided what you value.  btw, values will not pay the bills.

Oct 20, 2007 1:08 am

i did not put it on the app-- but at a later phone interview i did tell them of a college-age drinking misdemeanor. 20 years ago—so I still got hired. made me nervous, but i told the truth and it worked out fine (so i was another drunken idiot at age 19? very common)

Oct 20, 2007 3:02 pm

Expungements DO come up in background checks. I worked w/ a guy for about two weeks before the company found out that he had an accident & was convicted of something when 15 yrs old. His record was expunged when he was 16 & it would not have been a problem, but he didn’t tell the bm & didn’t put it on his application.

Oct 23, 2007 3:16 pm

Never, never, never lie on a job application.

Oct 24, 2007 12:10 pm

Obviously your reading comprehension level is low. I said I did not disclose the information because it was expunged, meaning it no longer exists. Not because I was trying to decieve anyone. 

    Obviously the reading comprehension from your end is low as well.  Maybe you should read all the fine print on the expungement, and also check out how deep the background checks are for FA.  Good job on getting it expunged that just means the average Joe wont see it.  You are talking about securities now, and the kind of background checks done are highly detailed.  Expungement does not mean it no longer exists.  Who told you that?  It just means it is sealed from the average public.  Legally you can say you have never been convicted of a crime yes......This is why they ask about anything expunged on the forms.
Oct 24, 2007 1:14 pm

Hey Hey… You are the one with a comprehension problem… Whatever made you think that because something was expunged that they can’t find it…

  The way you lashed out- makes me think you have very THIN skin.. You should consider a different field.. That or get an attitude adjustment.  In either circumstance you asked for the advice- you got it and you didn't like it.. GET A LIFE!   Miss J
Oct 24, 2007 9:10 pm


Oct 29, 2007 6:46 pm

So true!!

  It reminds me of what comes back on those background checks we do.  On two applications I sent in on new hires, one broker bounced a check on a closed bank account while in college, and the second was caught shoplifting while in college.  Luckly, both disclosed those transgressions and so there was no issue.   IndyEDJ
Nov 4, 2007 2:39 pm

I don’t know what color the sky is in your world, but here in the real securities world people are routinely rejected or fired for misrepresentation and/or non-disclosure on their applications. 

Ignorance or ‘I didn’t notice that part’ is not a valid defense.  This isn’t junior high school.

Jan 16, 2008 7:22 pm

Sorry I wish I could help. Good luck!