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UBS series 7/ 66 training

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Nov 11, 2011 5:12 am

What company does UBS use for series 7/66?

Nov 12, 2011 1:37 pm

I have never met anyone that "trained" at UBS.  I take that back - I have never met anyone that "trained" at UBS that didn't have a relative that was a big producer at UBS.  

They seem to be a lateral acquisition type of place more than a "bring'em up" type.  Maybe thats just my city.  I do not know a single guy at UBS in my city that started there.

Nov 12, 2011 3:16 pm

That's interesting, thanks for sharing

Nov 16, 2011 1:54 pm

Chubby, have you been hired as a trainee at UBS or just looking?

Nov 16, 2011 3:34 pm

In 2008 they used STC.

Nov 16, 2011 6:24 pm

Hello All! 

I am taking the Series 66 in 3 weeks!  I have been reading Kaplan, and using the Q-Bank they provide onilne.  I have also been using STC practice exams.  Just wondering if anyone out there has recently passed the exam using either of these study methods.  I understand the areas I need to focus on, but I am just curious of insight as to these two study materials and if you can give me any pointers on the test these days.  a 75%??  that is what I am most nervous about!   I know the more I study, the better I will do, however, after studying for the Series 7, I am simply STUDIED out :)   Anyway, please give me any pointers you can if you have recently passed the Series 66, etc etc etc.  thank youuuuu much!!!