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Aug 2, 2009 6:48 pm

Go away.  You’re not a rookie, you’re not a vet, you’re not even a trainee.  You’re a failure.  Your opinions, thoughts, logic don’t mean jack.  How much of a piker did you have to be to be fired from Jones before PDP.  It’s not the right career for you, no big deal, but stop contaminating this forum with your posts … because in our world you are only qualified to be a janitor.

Aug 2, 2009 7:15 pm

I’ll stay…just for you!

Aug 5, 2009 12:54 am

Hotair who do you work for ? What are your theories ? What is your production ? You are just some poor 18 yr old whose dad didnt log off the computer. You come on here and rip everyone. Shouldn’t you be on not registeredrep ?

Aug 5, 2009 3:50 am
[quote=Ron 14]Hotair who do you work for ? What are your theories ? What is your production ? You are just some poor 18 yr old whose dad didnt log off the computer. You come on here and rip everyone. Shouldn't you be on not registeredrep ?[/quote]     [quote=hotair1]I know that's just your script but are seriously finding 7% bonds selling at a discount? The Jones inventory has none of that and only one over 7% that is in CA right now. [/quote]  Works for Jones [quote=hotair1]
Not sure to be honest but the rates are out of this world.  My biggest problem has been the terms, no one wants to lock their money up for 20 years+
[/quote] Production not going that well.
Aug 5, 2009 4:12 am

That is good stuff.

Aug 5, 2009 6:47 pm

Actually, I think is a pretty funny line! I wonder if LA started that website!