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Securities America

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Aug 30, 2005 5:58 pm

Does anyone have any information on Securities America? I am either going to Commonwealth Financial or Securities America and would like some feedback.

Thanks for your time in advance.


Aug 30, 2005 9:27 pm

Historically Securities America has been known as the high payout/lower support b/d.  Experienced, self-sufficient reps who are looking for a decent b/d with around the highest payout, but don't need a lot of handholding from them, often went there.  Don't know if that's still the case since they were acquired by American Express.

Commonwealth (my opinion) is a very good quality b/d.  Very supportive & good culture.  Reps always seem to be very happy there.  It's not unusual for reps that have done thorough due diligence in terms of looking for the highest quality indy b/ds, end up with RJFS, LPL & Commonwealth on their list of finalists.

Aug 31, 2005 1:00 pm

Thanks for the feedback, Duke.

Aug 31, 2005 6:27 pm

I was with Securities America. I moved to LPL two years ago and it is way beyond  Securities America in every way!   

Aug 31, 2005 6:55 pm

[quote=Greenbacks]I was with Securities America. I moved to LPL two years ago and it is way beyond  Securities America in every way!   [/quote]

Do you care to elaborate? Why did you leave SA?