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Sep 27, 2010 8:15 pm

I have my series 7/63.  I was a wholesaler prior to being laid off.

I would like to go in production for myself.

Does anyone have a suggestions of where I could register with a b/d where they do not have minimum requirements?

Sep 28, 2010 12:20 am

What can you offer...?

Sep 30, 2010 4:13 am

I have close to 20 years experience with expertise in the DC market place working with the top providers.

Sep 30, 2010 8:10 pm

I dont know of any where you can go to be a FA, but if you want to be a RR you can Private message me and i can give you some info on some firms i know

Sep 30, 2010 8:45 pm

There are a couple I can think of HD Vest and Genworth.