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Passing the dreaded 66 -- why not just take the 6 and 65 instead?

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Feb 24, 2011 12:43 am

In speaking with a veteran producer and recruiter today, after expressing casual concern over what I hear about the difficulty of the 66 exam, he mentioned that passing the series 6 and also the 65 will accomplish the same thing but because no recent changes have occured, passing both of these would be a LOT easier than battling the 66.  Plus, the passing scores for the 6 and 65 are still at 70, while the 66 has been raised to 75.

Sure, it's one more exam but becoming qualified the first time around is the real goal, right?

I would appreciate any thoughts on this idea.

Feb 24, 2011 4:40 am

Sorry, Ice, that was my mistake, not that of my contact.   Yes, it's the 63 and 65 that work together.  Having said that I'll contact SeeYaEdJones to learn all his secrets.  (Which are probably: Study, Memorize, Quiz and Study Some More.)

Feb 24, 2011 2:15 pm

I think the key to passing the 66 is taking as many exams as possible.  The information on the 66 isn't vast as the 7 but the way they ask the question on the exam is extremely tricky.  There were many questions where 2-3 answers all seemed correct. 

I would suggest taking Passperfect, it has worked wonders.

Feb 25, 2011 2:14 pm

I agree with newregrep.    The online Smart 66 program from passperfect was great..  If you read their material, take the quizzes, and then go back and review every RIGHT AND WRONG answer I think you will do fine.


Have you seen the new 66 since it was rewritten?  It is definitely a tough exam these days.  I've always been a great standardized test taker, but I had no idea whether I passed when I hit submit.   There are a ton of questions where you can only rule out one answer, and then you have to figure out which of the remaining 3 is the "most right".

With that said... I'd take the 66.   If you study for it like you should... you should pass it.  If you don't pass it then you always have the option of taking the 63/65 while you are waiting on your cool down period from the 66 to expire.

Feb 25, 2011 2:31 pm

Iceco1d is right. The main challenge I had with the 66 is that it is monumentally boring. Much of it is rote memorization of legal details. The other issue I had was a let down after passing the 7. I was so focused on the 7 that it was a big relief to get it out of the way. It was a real chore to take up the boring study of the 66.