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My EDJ Journey Begins

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Jun 11, 2009 10:38 pm

Considering part of the recipe for success is 25 quality contacts a day, that’s what I committed to.  I’m sure 38 would be looked upon very highly though… I don’t think they’ll be like “Oh look, and over achiever.  We don’t like those.”  If it means anything, I was offered the position having done 26.

Jun 11, 2009 10:44 pm

[quote=MBA2FA]My criminal background check finally came back clean (surprise surprise) and now I move on to the next phase of the interviewing process (woohoo)!

As you EDJ veterans know, now I have to do the surveys.  Before I go out, they want me to commit to a number of how many I will do.  The minimum is 15, but my guess is they are giving me an opportunity to shine here.  On the forms I have, there are room for 38 surveys.  Should I commit to this many or does it matter that much?


I don’t know what your survey entails, but I assume it’s prospecting practice on people you know.  If this is the case, it’s a great opportunity to approach people to ask their help and advise.  You won’t have another opportunity to approach these people and have them be as laid back as they will be with you now, after-all you’re not licensed and can’t sell them anything and they know this.  Share your story and get permission to come back when you complete your training.  If they won’t do business with you they will probably at least be a center of influence and introduce you to others if they tell you you’re welcome to come back 4mo from now.

Jun 12, 2009 5:09 pm

Great advice Cheesehead. Great original thoughts.

Jun 12, 2009 5:28 pm

I went out this morning and started knocking on doors!
In 2 hours time:
I knocked on 44 Doors
21 people were not home
10 people didn’t want to answer the survey
13 people completed the survey (8 of these people gave me their phone number)

Are my results typical so far?

Jun 12, 2009 6:22 pm

I went out this morning and started knocking on doors!
In 2 hours time:
I knocked on 44 Doors
21 people were not home
10 people didn’t want to answer the survey
13 people completed the survey (8 of these people gave me their phone number)

Are my results typical so far?

  God bless you Jonesies...knocking on almost 50 doors and almost half that answer the door refuse to complete a stupid survey.  Those that succeed at that place are more man than I am.
Jun 12, 2009 10:17 pm

Ok, so here are final numbers:
Elapsed time: 4 hours
44 residential knocks
14 Business knocks
21 people were not home
10 people didn’t want to answer the survey
27 people completed the survey (19 of these people gave me their phone number)

I talked to a local FA who was impressed with the survey completion ratio.  It turns out that he was knocking on these same doors a few months ago with limited success.  I hope my interviewer likes my ratio too!

Jun 13, 2009 12:48 am

Ok, so here are final numbers:
Elapsed time: 4 hours
44 residential knocks
14 Business knocks
21 people were not home
10 people didn’t want to answer the survey
27 people completed the survey (19 of these people gave me their phone number)

I talked to a local FA who was impressed with the survey completion ratio.  It turns out that he was knocking on these same doors a few months ago with limited success.  I hope my interviewer likes my ratio too!


Those numbers look bogus to me.  58 total knock, 37 “contacts”  In 12 weeks of door knocking I never had a day like that and never sniffed 1/2 of that in four hours.

You better up the knock rate for St. Louis.

Jun 13, 2009 1:27 am

Yeah those numbers are pretty high. The majority of people were home? Thats odd I would think. It took me 92 knocks to get 32 surveys completed, only had 3 rejections (one was a non english speaking household) and 26 phone numbers all in 6 hours which I still thought was a lot of people to be home mid day. From the time stamp of the day you would have been out around the same time I was then. Were most of your phone number contacts business knocks then?

Jun 13, 2009 2:08 am

Having knocked on about 2500 doors I’m calling BS … Just adjust your #s for St. Louis, they don’t check.

Unless you went to a retirement community or townhouses.

Jun 13, 2009 2:25 am

The “You are a liar” comments never cease to amaze me.

I need a job.  Why would I jeopardize that by lying about my contacts?  That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.  I don’t know why people were home.  Most of them were retired, worked from home, or were housewives.

Only 14 of the surveys completed were residential.  I did those first thing in the morning.  I called on businesses in the afternoon.

All but one of the businesses I went to completed the survey.  Why is this so odd? Do small business owners usually throw you guys out the door?

Are you insinuating that I should lie about my number of knocks to make the numbers look more realistic?

Maybe I should quit asking for honest advice here.  I have never seen a forum that flames people so much.  I was just looking for a little feedback.

Jun 13, 2009 2:34 am

Never called you a lair but from a position of experience those contact metrics are out of whack.  If they are correct then it will probably be the best day of door knocking you’ve ever had.  Good luck in the process.

Jun 13, 2009 3:57 am

Thanks.  There were WAY more people home than I expected.

I also failed to mention that there were at least 15 houses that had “no soliciters” signs in the windows.  In most cases, it looked like nobody was home in these houses.  If I had knocked on these doors, my contact ratio would have gone way down.

Obviously, I did not knock on these doors, nor did I count them as DK’s.  I didn’t feel like having the cops called on me.  I was warned that a few local FA’s have had a few problems with the local authorities, so I played it safe.

Jun 13, 2009 6:22 am


Jun 13, 2009 6:59 am

Maybe I should quit asking for honest advice here.  I have never seen a forum that flames people so much.  I was just looking for a little feedback.

  Bingo.  This is the wrong place to look for information or encouragement.  In 7 months of lurking on this board, I can assure you that the vast majority of posters are cranky haters who will do everything they can to discourage you.   Ignore everyone except Spaceman Spiff and B24, the experienced Jones guys.  I learned long ago to stop visiting this forum for insight.   Myself, I am about to head out to Eval/Grad in a week and I think that the support you get from Jones in phenomenal.  If you have somes sales experience and some fortitude, you'll do fine.
Jun 13, 2009 1:34 pm

By the way… they don’t check the surveys… They just want to know if you attempted to complete them…

Jun 13, 2009 2:51 pm

[quote=chief123]By the way… they don’t check the surveys… They just want to know if you attempted to complete them…[/quote]

But if you don’t do the surveys you’re just hurting yourself with fewer people to call when you get your license.  It’s like cheating on homework in preparation for a test…

Jun 13, 2009 3:08 pm

MBA Good luck on your journey. With a lot of determination and hard work

you can make this work. I started with EDJ approx 4 yrs ago, and it has

been a great ride for me.

Jun 13, 2009 7:10 pm

Thanks.  There were WAY more people home than I expected.

I also failed to mention that there were at least 15 houses that had “no soliciters” signs in the windows.  In most cases, it looked like nobody was home in these houses.  If I had knocked on these doors, my contact ratio would have gone way down.

Obviously, I did not knock on these doors, nor did I count them as DK’s.  I didn’t feel like having the cops called on me.  I was warned that a few local FA’s have had a few problems with the local authorities, so I played it safe.

  That's a sure sign that you aren't the first guy to make a run at opening a Jones office in that area.
Jun 13, 2009 7:15 pm
Borker Boy:

[quote=MBA2FA]Thanks.  There were WAY more people home than I expected.

I also failed to mention that there were at least 15 houses that had “no soliciters” signs in the windows.  In most cases, it looked like nobody was home in these houses.  If I had knocked on these doors, my contact ratio would have gone way down.

Obviously, I did not knock on these doors, nor did I count them as DK’s.  I didn’t feel like having the cops called on me.  I was warned that a few local FA’s have had a few problems with the local authorities, so I played it safe.

  That's a sure sign that you aren't the first guy to make a run at opening a Jones office in that area.       
Jun 13, 2009 11:58 pm


[quote=chief123]By the way… they don’t check the surveys… They just want to know if you attempted to complete them…[/quote]

But if you don’t do the surveys you’re just hurting yourself with fewer people to call when you get your license.  It’s like cheating on homework in preparation for a test…

lol … but this guy does not work/worked for Jones.  yawn