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Lincoln ChoicePlus Assurance L-Share VA

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Aug 14, 2009 12:20 am

Can someone tell me what the trail is on these that’s 5yrs old and now out of surrender?  I’m guessing 1%  I took representation on one today.

Aug 14, 2009 1:10 pm

I think the only true way to find out is to call Lincoln.  It’s going to depend on the agreement they have with your b/d.

Aug 17, 2009 3:08 pm

It depends on what commission option the broker picked when he sold it. It could be 1%, it could be jack.  I’ve got a few VAs that I’ve transferred over that the broker took all of the commission up front, so I’m basically working for free. sucks.

Aug 17, 2009 10:16 pm

It depends on what commission option the broker picked when he sold it. It could be 1%, it could be jack.  I’ve got a few VAs that I’ve transferred over that the broker took all of the commission up front, so I’m basically working for free. sucks.

  All the L-share annuities I've ever run across pay a trail even if you take the "A" option.