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Good place for leads?

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Feb 17, 2007 1:33 am

I recently began working for an insurance company and am just about finished going through my small natural market. I have no problem with cold-calling but I want to make sure the people I’m calling are qualified. My firm does not provide leads so I guess it’s up to me to obtain them. My question is: Has anyone had any experience with purchasing leads and where is a good reliable source to purchase them? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Feb 17, 2007 4:51 am

Go to your local library and use the D&B Million Dollar Database.  Don’t waste your money on lists..

I work for a wirehouse and I have found very qualified people using this tool.. but there is a one little problem…

For every 300 dials, you will find 25 numbers not on the DNC list. It will take at least it will take 60-70 of those numbers to find one qualified lead. 

Some morons on this forum say cold calling is dead.  9 out of 10 of those are the people will get axed within one year.

For the next production month -I have 5 million in the pipeline.  100% generated from cold calling..

I have been dialing since Nov 5th and I am just over 8200 dials…..

Grow a set and dial!!!!

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