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Chase offer, any advice?

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Sep 12, 2009 1:37 pm

Need advice,

I just had my second round of interviews with the branch managers( I would be the FA over 2 branches) which basically asked me when I was starting. I have already met with the Investment manager previously and the branch managers introduced me to the staff of each branch(pb's, tellers, etc). We have not signed anything yet just received a new hire questionairre via email fron the investment mgr's assistant. Constructive input appreciated,  
Sep 12, 2009 1:43 pm

Are you seriously asking us if you should take a job? We don’t know your situation.  Your obligations. Your background. The offer. We don’t know jack.

Here is my advice … get ready … I have no idea.  Good luck!

Sep 12, 2009 1:46 pm

I have been at Chase for a year and just to warn you, in the last three months management (Branch Managers / Investment Managers/ District Managers) have absolutely lost their mind. They are pounding the living crap out of everyone on the retail side. Just annoying, meaningless management sh*t. If I were you I would meet again with the Investment Manager and absolutely grill him about what goes on day to day and what things they want you doing. Proceed carefully.

Sep 12, 2009 1:57 pm

Thanks guys,


@ Jones for just over a year and a half, got cut loose. Currently working out of the industry. Considering options currently.
Sep 12, 2009 5:59 pm

[quote=Ron 14]I have been at Chase for a year and just to warn you, in the last three months management (Branch Managers / Investment Managers/ District Managers) have absolutely lost their mind. They are pounding the living crap out of everyone on the retail side. Just annoying, meaningless management sh*t. If I were you I would meet again with the Investment Manager and absolutely grill him about what goes on day to day and what things they want you doing. Proceed carefully.[/quote]

Man-o-man, isn’t that the truth.

This latest ‘Bond Disclosure’ form is such a load of crap.

The endless corporate PC BS we have to endure is really chaffing on me. 

If it was really meant to protect the client, as they like to spin it, that would be one thing…but it’s just a bunch of docs to cover mgmt’s ass against complaints (complaints probably born by hiring non-qualified advisors and providing no real training).

Sep 12, 2009 6:22 pm

Exactly. Just total crap. A sh*t storm has started, I just hope it calms down soon or I am long gone.

Sep 13, 2009 4:15 am


all good things to know. I'll definitely get more details from the Investment manager prior to accepting a position. Thanks guys, any additions chase specific advice or info is greatly appreciated.
Sep 14, 2009 2:08 am

on second thought - check your PM